To reduce the incidence of prejudice-related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010 To promote cultural understanding between different ethnic groups within our school community. To continually consider how well the ...
It raises difficult questions about how to reconcile competing rights or ‘protected characteristics’ under discrimination law, and it will be very interesting to see how the Supreme Court deals with this and the Preddy case when they are heard together in the autumn. Continue reading → Share:...
TheEqualityAct2010 ProfessorDianaKloss Employmentjudge Theprotectedcharacteristics Age,disability,genderreassignment,marriageandcivilpartnership,pregnancyandmaternity,race,religionorbelief,sex,sexualorientation Extentofthelegislation TheActapplies(toagreaterorlesserextent)toemployment,education,theprovisionofgoodsandservices...
The aim and intention of the Equality Act 2010 ('the Act') is principally equal treatment and the promotion of equal rights. The Act brings all 'protected characteristics' together into one piece of legislation, all separate 'silos' but in theory equal before the law, no one more important...
The Equality Act 2010 is an essential piece of legislation for your business to understand. Read our guide to gain and understanding of your employees’ rights.
In it’s essence The Equality Act 2010 prevents organisations as employers, education and service providers from discriminating against individuals protected characteristics. What is an example of equality? So how do we define equality? If we apply the equality meaning to opportunities, then it follow...
10 Protectedcharacteristics 10 Whatisunlawfuldiscrimination? 11 Situationswhereequalitylawisdifferent 14 Positiveaction 15 Treatingdisabledworkersbetterthannon-disabledworkers 15 What’snextinthisguide 16 Decisionsabouthoursofworkandflexibleworking 17 Avoidingdirectandindirectdiscrimination 18 Reasonableadjustmentstoremov...
As a leading provider of education, we recognise the role we play in our communities and the value of conducting business in a responsible manner. We have adopted values and expected behaviours that inspire how we act as a company and our corporate responsibility strategy aligns with these values...
Those categories above broadly overlap with the corresponding protected characteristics under discrimination (see Q.1), but don't necessarily direct correlate with these. For example, gender identity is not explicitly included in the category of sensitive data in the French Data Protection Act. ...
Climate change impacts are being felt across sectors in all regions of the world, and adaptation projects are being implemented to reduce climate risks and existing vulnerabilities. Climate adaptation actions also have significant synergies and tradeoffs