be equal to 与be equivalent to有什么区别 简介 一、词性不同be equal to中的equal是形容词,意为相同的,同样的,相等的,平等的,能胜任的;例句Let line be be equal to line CF. 假设be线与cf线等长。equals to中的equal是动词,意为同等的人; 相等物; 与…相等,等于; ...
但是equal to有一个意思是有能力或资源去迎接挑战,而equivalent to没有这个意思,这题大概率选equal to。 “equal to 与beequivalent of 和区别,题干意思是人一年走100,000步?” 如果equal做动词的话,是及物动词,后面不加to,所以如果只是比较equal to和be equivalent of的话,肯定不选equal to,一定要注意equal...
在NUnit中,EqualTo()和EquivalentTo()是两个用于断言的方法。 1. EqualTo()方法用于比较两个对象是否相等。它会使用对象的Equals()方法进行比较,如果两个对象...
be equal to 等于,同样be equivalent to 当量,相当于例句:2 plus 5 is equal to 7.Some countries do not have a president.Their prime minister is roughly equivalent to our president.If the product is defective the store will give you another item which is equivalent to it,or refund you an am...
be equal to 等于,同样 be equivalent to 当量,相当于 例句: 2 plus 5 is equal to 7. Some countries do not have a president.Their prime minister is roughly equivalent to our president. If the product is defective the store will give you another item which is equivalent to it,or refund you...
equivalent:equivalent主要指有同样价值、效力或意义的两种不同的事物。adj.(形容词)equal的基本意思是“相等的,同样的”,用于两个或两个以上事物可指在数量、大小、价值、程度、状况等得以衡量的方面完全相等或相同,或人在能力、品质等方面相同或相等。在句中可用作定语或表语。其后常接in〔to, with〕...
be equal to 是等于,而:be equivalent to 是等同于,与...等效。即不一样,但可以替代。
采纳率:54% 等级:9 已帮助:113人 私信TA向TA提问满意答案 be equal to 等于be equivalent to相当于 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 正版传奇散人网页版游戏官网 传奇散人网页版,2023版新白蛇传奇初心不改,经典重现,炫彩神装,明星倾力代言,免费试玩,超高爆率,高度还原怀旧经典!每日新服火爆开启中,福利多多等...
首先可以排除enough to equal to和enough to the equivalent of的表达,啰嗦。enough for equaling to不符合习惯用语也可以排除,比较难选的是equal to和equivalent to。 如果表达在价值,数量,功能及意思上相等的,两者意思相同。但是equal to有一个意思是有能力或资源去迎接挑战,而equivalent to没有这个意思,这题大概...
To be equivalent to; to match To have as its consequence. A person or thing of equal status to others. State of being equal; equality. (2).牛津词典equivalateequal being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value (of people) having the same status, rights, or opportunities ...