“Ours is the only nation in the developed world with nopaidmaternity leave. We have no paid family sick leave. We don’t ensureaffordabledaycare, or provide universal pre-K, or mandateequal payforequalwork” — Kirsten Gillibrand In this quote, Kirsten Gillibrand is highlighting key areas whe...
In a New York federal court, a translated undercover wire quotes a Cuban defendant: "I don’ t even have the ten kilos." The defendant means kilos of currency (Cuban cents), but the translated statement suggests kilograms of drugs. In a New Jersey homicide trial, the prosecutor asks ...
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“Equal Pay!” was the chant that rang through the 2019 Women’s World Cup. Although women players often bring in more money for their soccer or football federations, they earn a just a fraction of their male counterparts’ salaries. Host Nelufar Hedayat
ramírez, co-founder of the national farmworker women’s alliance and head of the national latina equal pay day campaign, whom she had gotten to know during the planning for the golden globes, to help coach her. they spoke on the phone, williams says, “on breaks from work, after our ...
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But, as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for; you might just get it. Full gender equality doesn’t just mean equal pay for equal work – which has been the crux of the argument. It could also mean certain employment standards would have to be adjusted or eliminated. For...
For 2 1/2 years, you -- we, the American people --- have been the victims of the biggest con job in American history. Every second, every hour, every day, the Democrats, the hate-Trump media mob perpetrated a lie. Every time they said Russia, Russia,...
aThat day,You speak to me,I did not how Pay attention to you, because I am happy,So I do not know what to say do not dare to see you。sorry。 That day, You speak to me, I did not how Pay attention to you, because I am happy, So I do not know what to say do not dare...
These three popular misquotes(戏谑的引语)are meant to be jokes, and yet they tell us a lot about human nature .To err, or to make mistakes, is indeed a part of being human, but it seems that most people don’t want to accept the responsibility for the problem. Perhaps it is the ...