作者:The Albinocorn 编辑: HenryAnthonyCourtler 润色: Novel Idea 封面: Spectacular Tropes 本作品是《漫漫友谊长路》的续作。 《漫漫友谊长路》:https://fimtale.com/t/5176 《 Long Road to Friendship》原作:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/144198/long-road-to-friendship 《Spectacular Seven》(精彩神...
“那可挺狠啊。”云宝说道。 精彩神七正坐在方糖甜品屋里的角落里,桌上摆着一个特大份的蛋糕,但是谁也没有碰它,因为余晖正在向大家讲昨天阿特米斯紧急家庭会议的内容。 苹果杰克敲着桌子,“所以,这是不是意味着我们要和崔克茜一家拯救世界了?” 余晖耸了耸肩, 9 [MLP/EQG]精彩神七 Spectacular Seven第一卷...
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US transfers immigrants out of Guantanamo Bay to Louisiana as court weighs legality WORLD NEWS South Africa, Tanzania and Malawi will withdraw troops from conflict-torn eastern Congo Duterte refused fingerprinting and threatened lawsuits during chaotic arrest, Philippine p...
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The post-hardcore/emo-pop quintet Hawthorne Heights came to life in the summer of 2001. Originally called A Day in the Life, the Dayton, Ohio-based collective saw numerous lineup changes and shifting music styles before settling on a permanent formation. Composed of drummer Eron Bucciarelli, ba...
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作者:The Albinocorn 编辑: HenryAnthonyCourtler 润色: Novel Idea 封面: Spectacular Tropes 本作品是《漫漫友谊长路》的续作。 《漫漫友谊长路》:https://fimtale.com/t/5176 《 Long Road to Friendship》原作:https://www.fimfiction.net/story/144198/long-road-to-friendship ...