Zone Guild..欢迎各种旅行家更新自己的旅行截图。原文地址:最近实在是懒惰了,太忙,没什么时间翻东西。不管你是刚出生的新鲜玩家,还是已经饱受历练
zone will be completely unbeatable Some mobs will have multiple loot tables ——– No new deities with expac ——– Guild level 90 More amenities and more slots ——— 2 overland zones 1 contested zone similar to sanctum of scaleborn by twice the size 12 group instances Level by grouping....
From the EQ2 Forums: POPULATION / ZONE PROGRESSION Vaedenmoor Raids Code has been put in place to prevent players from entering any version of the zone while still locked to a previous zone and/or not passed the minimum lockout time. Players will be banished from the zone if they fail thi...
Such NPCs are normally located just outside of any village crafting zone.这个提示就是说,你可以在任何城里的工匠区域,也就是有工匠台的地方,找到卖工匠书给你的NPC,同时他也能帮你选择你的工匠职业。 本楼含有高级字体3楼2013-05-24 09:09 收起回复 ...
East side: 1st room on the left = a two room apartment, version 1 = qey_ph_1r01(_tour) - (Has a good map) 2nd room on the left = a two room apartment, version 1 = qey_ph_1r01(_tour) - (Has a good map) 3rd room on the left = a three room apartment, version 1 =...
‘chronomance’r thingy where you de-level and solo instances for pretty good XP. This would be a better way to explore these dungeons (as long as I can really solo) because by the time I find bosses if they aren’t green I can’t usually win – and if they are grey then there ...
The best housing haul (housing items just from questing) hands down goes to the Dark Elves. Look above, all of those things were just from running the starting area. Weird though, the outdoor tent and other items feel very “outdoor prestige zone. Compare that to the haul of the Dirge...
Stamina Guild Level: 131 Current Zone: Quests Completed: 317 Collections Completed: 5 Items Crafted: 3,813 Rare Harvests: 282 Updated: 2024-04-30 06:56:04 SavedBeetnyAA Specs The Dragon's Armory Dimetrodon at The Dragon's Armory Headshot...
Zone or quest category: Sold by: Faction: Looted from: Awarded from: Claimed from: Currency: Legends of Norrath set: Player Studio creator: House type: Placement: Description text: Discovery date from: (d-m-y or m/d/y) To (leave blank for "now"): Items discover...
Zone or quest category: Sold by: Faction: Looted from: Awarded from: Claimed from: Currency: Legends of Norrath set: Player Studio creator: House type: Placement: Description text: Discovery date from: (d-m-y or m/d/y) To (leave blank for "now"): Items discover...