Ipredicted itfor the expansion 3 years ago, but it finally came to pass. SOE is adding a 25th class to the game, the Beastlord. There weresome other high level items announcedat the Fan Faire keynote. The next expansion for EQ2 will be the Age of Discovery. It will have more AA ...
General Level 80 Fury Level 79 Sage Health: 16,603 Out-of-Combat Regen: 854 Power: 14,103 Out-of-Combat Regen: 588 Run Speed: 81% Status: 83,784 Attributes Strength: 1,074 Agility: 1,107 Intelligence: 1,311 Wisdom: 1,226
We'll start in The Shattered Lands era (no expansions unlocked), and you’ll get to experience the look and challenge of the classic world of Norrath. The seas have calmed enough for sea faring to resume, and you are plucked from the waters by none other than Captain Varlos. Soon you ...
$125,000 = 250% Bonus Experience, 40% Increased Rare Drop Chance, Double Currency Rewards, Double loot drops in current expansions, and 20% chance to drop an additional rare (on top of the normal drops). Individual Donor Rewards $5 - Extra Life 2023: Benefaction Bounty I Prefix ...