每个区域都是相互连接的你可以通过过图点(EQ2Map地图上一般是绿色箭头)走路去到另外一个相邻的Zone,或者通过一些可以点击的设施在很多zone之间旅行。比如传送门,水手铃铛。传送门又分成巫师传送和德鲁伊传送。水手铃铛分成外部铃铛和主城内的铃铛。诺拉斯世界的Zone里,有野外区域,有副本,也有城市。Outdoor zones ...
With Player Studio being a core part of the upcoming EQNext (sources pointing to a 2015 nod) and EQNext Landmark (going Alpha this month and in wide release sometime in April), it seems that a corner may have been turned and PlayerStudio availability in the EU may be on the horizon....
From the EQ2 Forums: PUBLIC QUESTS You’ll find new limited time Public Quests throughout Norrath. Just check your map for these unique battle regions! Damage inflicted against public quest encounters scales to allow public quest fights to be relevant for players of all gear levels. FABLED ZONES...
from the main EQII folder out onto the desktop. You will still have DarqUI and EQ2MAP, but a fresh character settings file will be generated when you log in. This should tell you if a personalized game setting is causing the issue. If this does not correct the black map issue, exit ...
If you've been following along our route of the2023 Roadmapwe shared back in January, you may be surprised when you notice that so much has already happened in EverQuest II! Here are some excellent examples: we've unlocked three raid zones in Renewal of Ro, introduced new content and me...
As an experiment, we're trying something different this year. We're posting our development roadmap for 2022. As far as we know, this is the first time we’ve publicly laid out our major plans like this. Before we get to that, however, we'd like to highlight some of the things th...
GENERAL Fixed a UI bug on the mini-map... Read More Updated Character Transfer Service Requirements Daybreak Cash Updated Character Transfer Service Requirements FeldonJanuary 12, 2012 4:21 pm15 From TSR-JoshuaM on the EQ2 Forums: We’ve reduced the amount of time needed in order to purchase...
This morning came the announcement: Kingdom of Sky is now available on our Time-Locked Expansion servers, Stormhold and Deathtoll. The announcement included some artwork I’ve personally never seen… We also saw a high resolution map of the islands making up Tenebrous Tangle, the Barren Sky,...
Commonlands quest: Tiff Squeelunkle will now replace the "magical map of the Commonlands and Freeport" for those on the quest "Crates on the Nerves" if they have misplaced it. Everfrost quest - "In Search of a Menagerie" now awards coin, a greater amount of XP and AA. ...