- Beastlord - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Slashing by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments. - Paladin - Reduced the recast time of Reflexive Resolution by 30 seconds. This spell line will no longer receive type 3 augments. ...
-- 1st part of paladin quest spell - divine might -- -- small dialogue addition to key the player to hand the leg bone to valeron. -- more details in valeron's .pl file in freportn. -- -- items: 5018, 13036, 6701 function event_say(e) if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e...
Curseweaving now makes the defiler immune to interrupts for a short duration following the use of a curse spell. Critical Channeling now grants the defiler additional crit bonus from their crit bonus. Absolute Corruption now interrupts the target encounter and has a 2 second base cast time. Canni...
Unburrowning the Sandbound spell is now a root as intended. Trial of Creation Brell will no longer be impressed with crafted items that were not created with items harvested during that attempt. Made some changes to the Contagious Pustules spell. It should now be less dangerous outside of t...