Simply select this plugin, hit "Install" button to install it. You may see an alert about the security risk, ignore it and click "Yes". Step 2Convert epub to Kepub Calibre Connect your Kobo eReader to computer with USB. Add EPUB files you need to convert to Kepub to Calibre. Select...
在calibre怎么..想问一下大家,怎么在calibre 里面把其他格式的书转成kepub 格式呀?我在软件里找不到这个格式的。
epub 转档 kepub 的2种方式 kepubify 是简易的开源 epub to kepub转档器,只要拖曳档案到执行档上就可以转成 kepub,新档案位于相同目录下。Windows 和 macOS 都支援。Calibre 是免费的电子书管理程式,透过管理器可以直接把书转换成 kepub 传到你的 Kobo 中满方便的。同样也是 Windows 和 mac...
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Convert KEPUB to ePub and remove drm with Kobo Converter(Support Kobo Plus) First things first: Before reading the following parts, please make sure you have gotKobo for desktopinstalled and synced the purchased eBooks. Method 1Convert with Calibre Obok DeDRM Plugin ...
This is probably an absolute novice error, but I am getting author and title reversed on every kepub version when I add back into Calibre the kepub version I have generated: so, Calibre sees it as a completely new and different book. Any idea as to what I am doing incorrectly? Quick ...