EPUB File Reader阅读器是简单的电子书阅读应用程序,打开EPUB文件,浏览电子书的章节,并查看其内容,阅读效果非常真实,喜欢的朋友快来IT猫扑下载吧! EPUB官方介绍 EPUB解决了PDF和开发人员友好性有关的所有瑕疵。一个 EPUB 就是一个简单 ZIP 格式文件(使用 .epub 扩展名),其中包括按照预先定义的方式排列的文件。
Enable Multidex support as explained in thisAndroid Doc Usage Get singleton object ofFolioReader: FolioReaderfolioReader=FolioReader.get(); Call the functionopenBook(): folioReader.openBook("file:///android_asset/TheSilverChair.epub"); opening book from raw - ...
Reader storesdefaults- settings which are independent offileId(i.e. independent of the book currently open) - andpreferences-fileId-dependent (i.e. different for every book) - on the server. Defaults are not shared between renderers, ie. the CBR renderer does not share defaults with the E...
Need to convert ePub to PDF on Android? This article lists the most popular ePub to PDF converters for Android.Also it recommends best Android Apps support both ePub and PDF.
Alternatively, you can access and send such a file to your Android gadget. Method #2: Using Aldiko Book Reader The Aldiko Book Reader is another app you can use to open EPUB files on your Android gadget. It was among the most popular apps for opening eBooks before the launch of Google ...
but you can easily read them using extensions. Simply visit the Chrome Web Store and search for ePub reader extensions, like “Readium” or “ePubReader.” Once installed, you can open ePub files by clicking on the extension icon or dragging the file into the browser. These extensions provide...
** Upload files to the Text Viewer app from “File Sharing” of the iTunes program and “App File Sharing” of ifunbox. 版本记录 2025年1月23日 版本1.74 - Reported crashes and bug fixes App 隐私 开发者“kim juyoung”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有关更多信息,请...
介绍我们先进的 ePUB 阅读器,这是一款精心设计的应用程序,它重新点燃了忠实的图书爱好者和普通读者的阅读乐趣。这款应用程序不仅可以轻松打开 ePUB 文件(流行且广泛采用的电子书格式),还可以将您的设备变成一个强大的便携式图书馆,里面装满了您喜欢的文本。 我们的
1. Neat Reader for Web Neat Reader is a powerful epub reader that is available on Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire and the Web. And its Neat Reader for Web is an online ePub reader that works on all modern web browsers. To use Neat Reader on your browser, simply ope...
An EPUB reader on android. Powered by epub.js epubepub-readerepub3 UpdatedOct 5, 2024 JavaScript Search engine for digital publication based on EPUB 3 search-enginecloudepubreaderfull-text-searchepub-readerfulltext-searchepub3epub-searchepub3-documents ...