EPUB Reader - Ebook Reader更多此開發者的出品 Rubiks Cube Solver - A Solver 75 Day Challenge 健康與健身 Photo Crop Editor 相片與影片 Brick it! Bulding Instructions Vegan Diet App & Diet Plan Paleo Diet App - Paleo Tracker Zephyr AI Dungeon Master ...
2.Icecream Ebook Reader 官网:Ebook Reader: Free MOBI and EPUB Reader for Windows 版本:免费版 +...
Discover a new way to enjoy your digital library with our innovative EPUB reader. Seamlessly read, organize, and customize your e-books with ease. Dive into a w…
2.Icecream Ebook Reader 官网:Ebook Reader: Free MOBI and EPUB Reader for Windows 版本:免费版 +...
EPUBReader converts your browser in an ebook reader! It runs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera and in Edge (Chromium based). ✓ Reads ebooks in EPUB format without DRM ✓ Is a lightweight (< 1 MB) HTML5 based ebook reader ✓ Opens the ebooks in memory at the location where they are st...
As far as performance goes, Freda ePub eBook Readersatisfiesmost of its users. Some find its interfacea little tricky to use, and most problems stem from the app struggling reading some files. But, other than that, it’s still anintuitive e-readerthat can help you flip open some e-books...
Icecream Ebook Readeris an easy-to-use tool. It helps you track your reading progress, add notes, translate text, use bookmarks, and more. The tool allows you to read e-books in EPUB, MOBI, CBR, and other readable file format.
5.Icecream Ebook Reader Icecream Ebook Reader is a user-friendly application designed for reading eBooks in various formats, including ePub, PDF, MOBI, and more. Its intuitive interface makes navigation effortless, allowing you to flip through pages, bookmark favorites, and highlight text. You can...
a community of free eBook lovers! Choose from our hand picked collection of the best public domain books to be found in the English language from the last five hundred years. All titles are available asEPUBandKindle MOBIbooks. All ebooks are provided without DRM protection and can be read on...
Calibre is the best free ebook reader on my list that works seamlessly on Windows and fully supports various formats. I liked that the installer asks what kind of e-book reader you’re using, so it customizes accordingly. The interface is well-designed and allows me to reach any option. ...