几十年来,气溶胶一直被广泛用于向肺部递送药物以治疗呼吸系统疾病,包括治疗哮喘和慢性阻塞性肺病。气溶胶也越来越多地用于治疗全身性疾病和递送疫苗。CDT 项目正在开发新的气溶胶配方,以便向肺部靶向递送药物;开发新的方法,以较低的碳足...
Fully funded PhD Studentships at the EPSRC CDT in Statistics and Operational Research in Partnership with Industry (STOR-i) Lancaster University 项目简介: 你想用统计和运筹学来解决现实生活中的问题,对商业、经济或社会产生积极影响吗? STOR-i博士培训中心将提供14名全额资助的博士奖学金名额。STOR-i在国际...
剑桥大学EPSRC CDT MRes + 连接电子和光子系统研究型硕士入学条件 学费:£33,972学术:本课程的申请者应获得英国良好 II.i 荣誉学位。语言:雅思7.0(R6.5, Other7.0) 2024-11-25 20:53:03 服务机构推荐 根据您的需求,通过层层筛选,为您精准匹配最符合您意向的服务机构 新通留学 特色:留学和语言培训一体化,...
EPSRC未来推进与动力卓越博士培养中心(CDT)提供100%奖学金,用于支持攻读4年全日制博士学位。每年将资助约17名学生。奖学金包括学费、生活费、研究培训补助等,总价值约30万英镑。此外还提供丰富的培训、企业实习、会议交流等机会。 二、研究领域 EPSRC未来推进与动力卓越博士培养中心(CDT)旨在培养具有跨学科视野和创新能...
CDT是英国近几年兴起的硕博项目(MRes or MPhil + PhD),由EPSRC资助,依据理工科的前沿领域和大学的优势学科建立CDT。个人认为,CDT重视多领域合作,围绕着特定研究方向整合各领域力量。另外,大部分的CDT很重视学术成果的转化和应用。正在参加关于Sensor的CDT,对项目总体感觉很好(有针对性,充分利用大学(跨院系,跨学界和...
中文名称:EPSRC CDT + 材料科学计算方法博士 英语名称:EPSRC CDT +PhD in Computational Methods for Materials Science 每年学费:38486(美元) 学习时长:4 开始时间:10 教学语言:英语 剑桥大学提供的EPSRCCDT+PhDinComputationalMethodsforMaterialsScience计划旨在培训科学家不仅使用现有的建模方法,而且还培训他们的基础计...
This 4-year programme is delivered by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS CDT), a joint centre between UCL and University of Cambridge. It comprises a 1-year MRes (Masters of Research) degree followed by a 3-year PhD (doctoral research) ...
The EPSRC CDT in Advanced Composites for Innovation and Science (ACCIS CDT) and the EPSRC Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC) in Composites Manufacture have secured renewed funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).The ACCIS CDT, led by Professor Paul Weaver, ...
This 4-year programme is delivered by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems (CEPS CDT), a joint centre between UCL and University of Cambridge. It comprises a 1-year MRes (Masters of Research) degree followed by a 3-year PhD (doctoral research)...
EPSRC CDT funding We list dozens of EPSRC CDTs on FindAPhD. Search forEPSRC CDT PhD studentships. EPSRC iCASE studentships EPSRC iCASE opportunities for 2022 iCASE studentships are usually awarded by universities with existing EPSRC funding. You apply for an iCASE project through individual univers...