Mutations and amplification of EPSPS gene confer resistance to glyphosate in goosegrass (Eleusine indica). Chen J C,Huang H J,Zhang C X,et al. Planta . 2015Chen Jingchao,Huang Hongjuan,Zhang Chaoxian,et al.Mutations and amplification of EPSPS gene confer resistance to glyphosate in goose...
英文名称:Transgenic plant EPSPS gene nucleic acid detection kit (PCR-fluorescence probe method) 产品规格:48次 运输、保存:低温,-20℃保存 PCR试剂盒的有效期一般为1年,这是指在适当的储存温度下。核酸扩增部分的试剂一般要贮存于-20℃下,产物检测部分试剂则贮存于2-8℃。尽量避免反复冻融。
Error prone PCR(EPPCR)technoiogy can ntroduce rando utat ons n gene frag ent . The 5-enoipyruvyish k ate- 3-phosphate synthase(EP PS)gene was processed and utated by EPPCR. The utated xture was d gested and i gat- ed w th the vector . Then the i gated products were transfo...
【英文名称】Nucleic acid detection kit for transgenic soybean EPSPS gene (PCR- fluorescence probe method) 【产品及特点】 转基因大豆EPSPS基因检测试剂盒(荧光PCR)说明书本产品适用于检测猪血清、脑、心肌以及淋巴结等组织标本或病毒培养液中指标 的 mRNA,适用于 指标 感染的辅助诊断。它具有下列特点: 用于指...
One EPSPS gene was identified in M. truncatula , B. distachyon , Z. mays , and C. reinhardtii while two EPSPS genes identified in G. max and P. patens . Based on nucleotide diversity analyses of EPSPS genes, nucleotide diversity was found to be 蟺: 0.29 and 胃: 0.34, respectively....
自备设备及试剂水浴锅,离心机;氯仿、异丙醇(-20℃预冷)、70%乙醇(-20℃预冷)适用仪器PE Gene Amp7700荧光PCR检测仪或其他合适的荧光PCR仪使用方法1. 样本核酸提取1.1 CTAB法提取DNA1.1.1 称取100mg充分粉碎后的大豆样品放入2ml离心管中,加800ul CTAB缓冲液,混匀后于65℃温育30分钟;1.1.2 15500g离心10分钟...
英文同义词CP4-EPSPS Gene Nucleic Acid Detection Kit (Constant Temperature Fluorescence Method) CAS号 分子式 分子量0 EINECS号 相关类别 Mol文件Mol File 结构式 CP4-EPSPS基因核酸检测试剂盒(恒温荧光法) 性质 CP4-EPSPS基因核酸检测试剂盒(恒温荧光法) 用途与合成方法 ...
英文名称:GMO Exogenous cp4-epsps Gene Colorimetric and Fluorescent LAMP Kit 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month 其他: cp4-epsps是根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)CP4株系的5-烯醇丙酮莽草酸-3-磷酸合成酶(cp4-5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase)的双重突变型基因,其产物跟...
英文名称:GMO Exogenous cp4-epsps Gene SYBR LAMP Kit 运输:Cold 保存:-20℃ 有效期:1 Year 货期:1 Month 其他: cp4-epsps是根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)CP4株系的5-烯醇丙酮莽草酸-3-磷酸合成酶(cp4-5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase)的双重突变型基因,其产物跟草甘膦的结合力比野生...