一体机_扫描仪通过USB线连接,启动Epson scan提示“无法与扫描仪连接”; 二、原因分析 1、电脑和扫描仪通讯中断。 2、扫描仪驱动安装不正确,扫描仪设备无法识别。 三、解决方法 1、检查扫描仪或一体机电源是否打开,USB线是否连接。 2、右键点击电脑桌面“我的电脑”(Windows XP)/“计算机”(Windows 7/8)图标,选...
适应硬件:爱普生XP-4100一体机 驱动说明 Epson爱普生XP-4100一体机软件ScanSmartv3.6.1版For Windows(2021年8月12日发布) Epson爱普生XP-4100一体机软件ScanSmartv3.6.1版,适用的操作系统:Windows 7到Windows11所有系统。 自信而轻松地扫描文档和照片——带有大预览的简单界面使扫描、查看、发送电子邮件、打印和上传...
5、如果更换USB端口依然不能解决,请断开USB数据线,通过“我的电脑”-“控制面板”-“添加或删除程序”,选择 “EPSON Scan”,点击“更改/删除”,根据提示选择“下一步”,卸载驱动程序,重新启动电脑,然后使用随机光盘重新安装测试。注意:有的防火墙、杀毒软件会阻止驱动程序的写入,此时需要在安装驱...
You can use this scanner on Mac OS X and Linux without installing any other software. Epson sold this scanner in some countries as the XP-243 / XP-245 / XP-247 / PX-049A. Download VueScan for Windows Download VueScan for other operating systems or older versions Flatbed Scanning: Yes...
EPSON L210 Printer Scanner & Drivers is a multi-purpose series. L210 is an all-in-one product. Thanks to its integrated ink system. It is perfect for home offices and students who want to print, scan and copy at an ultra-low cost. ...
so it's easily accessible to everyone. The scanner has an automatic feeder for quick processing of long, multi-page documents, and it can automatically scan double-sided sheets, albeit in two passes. Overall, the printer feels very well built, and its design gives easy access to the sheet ...
honeywell霍尼韦尔Xenon XP 1952g 通用型手持式扫描仪条码扫描器 通用型 手持式 广州捷文信息科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥3.98万/台 浙江宁波 半自动ELS系列激光扫描仪立式一键图像尺寸测量仪 半自动 立式 怡信品牌 宁波怡信光电科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥432.00/件 广东广州 逊镭扫描仪高清高速拍摄仪银行教...
The bundled software like the Epson printer drivers and Epson Scan 2 will be uploaded in no time, and you'll be able to print almost immediately. With that, all the gadgetsconnected to your Wi-Fi network will be paired with the printer automatically due to thepeer-to-peer wireless network...
Best budget:Epson Expression Home XP-5200 Epson Expression Home XP-5200 Specs Functionality:Print, scan, copy Print speed:14 ppm monochrome, 7.5 ppm color Maximum print size:8.5 x 14 inches Weight:11.9 pounds Dimensions:19.8 x 14.8 x 7.4 inches ...
Install the driver automatically Download driver Epson XP 300 XP 400 ME 400 Driver Install the driver automatically Download driverHow to Update EPSON Perfection 2400 Device Drivers Step 1 - Download Your Driver To get the EPSON Perfection 2400 driver, click the green download button above. After ...