产品类型:喷墨多功能一体机 产品功能:打印/扫描/复印/传真 打印分辨率:5760×1440dpi 最大幅面:A4 打印速度:38ppm 接口:USB;支持无线/有线网络打印 硬件ID: 【打印】USBPRINT\EPSONWF-3520_Series201C 【扫描】USB\VID_04B8&PID_0899&MI_00下载地址: 点击进入下载页-> WIN7/WIN10/WIN11驱动【32位/64位...
爱普生Epson WorkForce WF-3520 驱动 驱动类别:Epson打印机驱动下载 驱动大小:65.3 MB 程序语言:简体中文 收录日期:2014-03-01 制作发行:爱普生 售后支持:400-666-9697 驱动授权:免费版 围观次数: 应用平台:Win 11/Win 10/Win 7/Win XP 下载帮助:亲,不知道怎样下载?点我下载帮助!
EPSON爱普生WORKFORCE WF-3531/WF-3011打印机驱动1.52版 【如何更新和安装 爱普生__EPSON WF-3520 Series打印机驱动】 关于怎么更新和安装驱动,可以通过驱动精灵自动检测是否有可更新的驱动,用户可选择自主更新或者安装驱动 【如何卸载 爱普生__EPSON WF-3520 Series打印机驱动】 关于怎么卸载...
爱普生打印机手机APP又称Epson iPrint,这是由爱普生官方开发并推出的一款无线连接打印机辅助应用,包含打印照片、打印PDF文档、从云打印、扫描和捕获这几个功能选项,用户只要通过自己的Android手机或平板电脑与爱普生打印机/一体机连接起来,在任何时候及任何地点。
My WF-3520 only scans the upper side of every page fed into the ADF when using airscan. The device was shown as "airscan:w1:EPSON WF-3520 Series". After removing sane-airscan, SANE fell back to the "epson2" driver that indeed managed to scan duplex. It is shown as device name "...
VueScan works seamlessly on Windows, macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon), and Linux. The software is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest OS versions while maintaining support for older systems. Works on All Types of Media ...
Epson爱普生WorkForce WF-3520 多功能无线彩色喷墨打印机,原价$149.99 ,现打折20%27%,仅售$119.99$109.32免运费。 带有打印、复印、扫描、传真4大功能。标称是世界上最快的双面打印机,纸槽容量为250张,较比彩色激光打印机可节省40%的打印成本。2.5英寸彩色LCD显示屏,触控面板。可通过wifi无线连接,支持AirPrin,可以...
澳版连供芯片适用爱普138 140R墨盒芯片WF633 WF7510 WF7520 墨佳汇打印耗材(广州)有限公司 3年 回头率: 27.9% 广东 东莞市 ¥28.00 兼容EPSON TX420WTX430WN11NX125NX130NX230连供墨盒芯片133R 东莞市恩诺讯数码科技有限公司 2年 回头率: 0% 广东 东莞市 ¥65.00 适用爱普XP-200 XP-300 ...
You can use this scanner on Mac OS X and Linux without installing any other software. Epson sold this scanner in some countries as the WF-3520 / WF-3530 / WF-3540 / PX-675F. Download VueScan for Windows Download VueScan for other operating systems or older versions Flatbed Scanning: ...
I found a simple (but a bit weird) solution for my epson WF 3520 and Sonoma and it works for me. From Appstore download "Physical Scanner Connect" Launch it once. Now all standard soft for MAC recognizes my scanner. (5) Reply User profile for user: lkrupp lkrupp User level: Lev...