1 先打开Epson WF-7720 Series的控制面板显示屏。找到如图所示的图标,点击进去 2 点击Wi-Fi Direct按钮 3 点击开始设置 4 最后出现如图所示的wifi名称和密码。然后进入iPhone的设置,选择该图中的wifi名称和密码进行连接。连接成功后,就可以进入手机相册,选择相应照片进行直连打印了 注意事项 该直连wifi只用于传输...
Other Ink device error n Error in the printer settings n Failure of the main board • Occurs at power-on 1. Turn the printer off and back it on. 2. If the error still occurs after the restart, replace the main board. --- 033004 Other Ink device error 033006 CRCM access error (Ha...
• Disengaging or tooth breakage of wheel train of the paper feedmechanism nFailed to read the PF motorencoder 2. Jumping of the ADF timingbelt 3. Contamination of the ADF encoderscale 4. Damage or skew of the ADF encoderFFC 5. Failure of the ADF encodersensor 6. Failure of the mainb...
爱普生ME340清零软件下载及使用方法 | 爱普生ME1100打印机清零软件下载(重置爱普生ME1100打印机:简单… 爱普生ME960FWD清零软件下载(爱普生ME960FWD打印机清零软件免费… epsonmeME940FW清零软件(Epson ME940FW重置软件下载及使用… 爱普生ME900WD清零软件下载及使用教程(解决打印机故障的必备… ...
ADF PID lock error nThe ADF motor did not run or obstacles exist inthe paperpath 1. Overload of the paper feedmechanism 2. The ADF timing belt become frayed, jumping,or the wheel train of paper feed mechanism is disengaged or its tooth isbroken ...
1. The scanning operation was stoppedby; • Disengaging of the scannerCR • Disengaging of the scanner motor pulleyor cracking of the scanner motorgears nFailed to read the scannerencoder 2. Contamination of the scannerencoder 3. Damage or skew of the scannerFFC ...
1.Turn the printer off and back iton. 2.Iftheerrorstilloccursaftertherestart,replacethe mainboard. 000071 ASF load position excess load error nThe ASF motor stopped running in the middle of the operation 1. The ASF was stoppedby; • Obstacles such as jammedpaper ...
EPSON wf7720头烧板。加换排线。#芯片级维修 #打印机维修 #让技术变的更有价值 #抖音记录修理工的日常 #专业的事交给专业的人来做更靠谱 - 打印机小武于20231112发布在抖音,已经收获了7290个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
EPSON wf7720头烧板。#芯片级维修 #打印机维修 #抖音记录修理工的日常 #让技术变的更有价值 #专业的事交给专业的人来做更靠谱 - 打印机小武于20230902发布在抖音,已经收获了7291个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
x 经客户描述。打印机报错031006,查询相关代码。现象为打印头烧主板 拆机维修主板,更换打印头示意图。...