Thestar of the booth willundoubtedlybe the Epson SureColor V1000, as it will be on display for the first time. Butit will also be accompanied by the debut of the SureColor F1000, which redefines direct-to-fabric (DTG) printing with its ability to print on light and dark fabrics. This pr...
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SureColor F10070H始终生产具有一系列功能的高质量纺织品,服装等,其中包括: 突破性的生产率 –六个4.7英寸PrecisionCore打印头以高达2,635平方英尺/小时的速度提供工业级卷对卷性能 出色的图像质量– UltraChrome DS6墨水技术可产生出色的色彩饱和度和高对比度 ...
EPSON SURECOLOR SERIES SC-F2100 SC-T3200N SC-T7200D SureColor SC-F100 SureColor SC-F10000 SureColor SC-F10000H SureColor SC-F2000 SureColor SC-F500 SureColor SC-F501 SureColor SC-F6000 SureColor SC-F6200 SureColor SC-F6300 SureColor SC-F7100 SureColor SC-F7200 SureColor SC-F9200 SureColor ...
爱普生Epson SureColor SC-F100打印机驱动 v3.00.00官方版 [下载地址] 授权方式:免费软件 驱动类别:爱普生 驱动语言:简体中文 驱动大小:59.06 MB 推荐星级: 驱动厂商:Home Page 更新时间:2023-03-20 08:32 网友评论:0条 运行环境:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10 ...
“The first of our SureColor F10070 printers were installed in December 2020 — in the middle of our busiest season,” said Jim King, operations manager, Catalyst Fabric Solutions. “Had they not been a plug-and-play set up, we would have had some real problems, as we were coun...
Epson SureColor SC-F10030 As part of the collaboration, Epson partnered with seven local designers from different ASEAN markets to create a unique fashion collection with a sustainability theme that ties in with the cultural...