epson scan是由爱普生(epson)官方专为爱普生扫描仪推出的一款配套软件。它可以直接控制的所有爱普生扫描仪的功能,支持扫描图像中的颜色、 灰度或黑白和获得专业质量的结果。此程序是标准的跨平台接口,您的扫描仪和大多数应用程序之间。你可以从任何支持TWAIN标准的应用程序访问它。一般来说,您下载驱动安装之后,会自动为...
3、电脑端的SCANsmart软件使用简单高效,支持图片转office,对于像我这种经常需要大段“抄袭”的人来说,简直是神器,再也不需要求人要word版,也不需要付费转word,要给爱普生点个赞 ; 4、扫描的效果与原版本相差不大,日常使用绰绰有余,色彩还原效果也很好,比用照片拍好再调整效果好得多,如果要记录保存一些电子版的...
searchablePDF,youcanselecttheOCR(OpticalCharacterRecognition)language. •Selectthefolderonyourcomputerwherethedocumentissaved. 4.ClickSave. Parenttopic:ScanningaDocumentinEpsonScanSmart AttachingaScantoE-mail Youcanattachascannedimagetoane-mailasaPDForJPEGfileattachment. Note:Youre-mailappandaccountsettingsshou...
无论是单张还是多张文本的扫描,ES-60W都可以根据用户需要进行工作。通过ScanSmart软件可以生成的电子文档进行旋转、放大查看后可以保存为PDF或者JPEG的图像格式。 实际生成的JPEG的图片,因为压缩和拼接的缘故,图片在分辨率上面没有原图那样清晰。 性能测试:揉成一团也能扫描,文字放大后也很清晰 在扫面设置中可以选择图...
• When saving scanned images as Searchable PDFs, make sure the correct OCR language is selected. • Adjust the following Epson Scan 2 settings if available, and try scanning again: • On the Main Settings tab, make sure you select the correct Image Type for your original. • On ...
If you select Searchable PDF as the File type setting, you can select the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) language. 11 • If you also want to save a copy of the scanned image to your computer, click the checkbox. 5. Click Send. Parent topic: Scanning a Document in Epson ScanSmart...
Sales brochure PDF:Epson WorkForce DS-50000 Brochure Product Information The Epson Workforce DS-50000flatbed scanneris a high-performanceA3 scannercapable of capturing large, bound or fragile documents. The high-quality CCD technology and powerful imaging features by Epson Scan and Document Capture Pro...
The Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct connectivity on the DS-1660W provide extra convenience to organisations wanting to deploy a dedicated scanning solution that can be accessed easily by many people. With NFC enabled, use the Epson Scan App to take control with your mobile device - then edit and ...
捆绑软件arcsoft mediaimpression 2, arcsoft scan-n-stitch deluxe ,abbyy finereader sprint 9(win)/8(mac),copy utility, event manager 可靠性10,500次 按键(不包括电源键)4键按钮:开始,复印,扫描至e-mail,扫描至pdf 接口usb 2.0 外观尺寸430 x 280 x 66.5 mm ...