to set up and use the printer—at least 12 inches (305 mm) on all sides in addition to the dimensions of the printer and stand: • 53.4 × 35.6 inches (1356 × 903 mm) for the SC-P6000/SC-P7000 • 73.4 × 52 inches (1864 × 1318 mm) for the SC-P8000/SC-P9000 12 in....
Hardware Epson SureColor P-Series and Screen Printers. By Epson Brand Names SureColor-P6000, SureColor P7000, SureColor P10000, SureColor P9000, SureColor-P8000 and SureColor P20000.
EPSON P-7000 / P-8000 / P-9000 8色11色機種 EPSON SC-F6280 / F7270 / F9270 熱昇華專用機 EPSON T3270 / T5270 / T7270 繪圖機 ROLAND SG-300/ SG-540 最經濟實惠的噴切兩用機 更多消息 特價專區 ROLAND BN-20 特價中,敬請來電洽詢 ...
·产品类型:24英寸彩色喷墨大幅面打印机 分辨率:2880×1440dpi 最大幅面:24英寸(A1+) 墨盒数量:11色墨盒 打印内存:1GB 接口类型:USB2.0;支持有线/无线网络连接 硬件ID:USBPRINT\EPSONSC-P7000_SeriesC5CC... 驱动类别:爱普生 EPSON Epson SureColor P90802018/6/19 17:23:00 ...
Product Tags ink cartridge chip for EPSON SureColor SC-P6000; P7000; P8000; P9000 cartridge chip the cartridge for 700ML Previous:EPSON Surelab D700 Compatible cartridge 220ML Next:Refill cartridge for EPSON surecolor P6000, P7000, P8000, P9000...
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墨盒墨水兼容Epson SureColor P7000 P6000一次性墨盒T8041-T804D 东莞市齐彩数码科技有限公司 15年 回头率: 16.7% 广东 东莞市 ¥12.00 成交234个 适用爱普生EPSON 1400 1430打印机 T0791填充连供加墨墨盒带芯片 珠海丽辉数码科技有限公司 16年 回头率: 21.2% 广东 珠海市香洲区 ¥...
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This Epson SC-P6000, SC-P6050, SC-P6070, SC-P6080, SC-P7000, SC-P7050, SC-P7070, SC-P7080, SC-P8000, SC-P8050, SC-P8070, SC-P8080, SC-P9000, SC-P9050, SC-P9070, SC-P9080 Service Manual describes basic functions, theory of electrical and mechanical operations, maintenance ...
爱普生 EPSON打印机型号列表 7509001200PhotoPC 8006801390ME 300L111Expression Home XP-310PX-535FPX-1200PictureMate PM235Stylus Office BX300FStylus TX220Stylus Photo TX710WExpression Premium XP-800Stylus C120LX-310LP-9100FX-890PM-A840LQ-2190PM-770CSureColor SC-T3000PX-503APX-504AL120PX-A620Stylus...