Designed for proofing, fine art and photography applications, the SC-P5000 can be selected with a violet or LLK inkset, and can achieve near-perfect colour matching of up to 99% of Pantone Solid Coated Colours 1. Precision colour proofing ...
爱普生SureColor SC-P5000 STD Spectro是一款喷墨打印机,它具有打印速度快,分辨率高,打印质量清晰等特点,当然在使用打印机之前,还是需要安装其对应的爱普生SureColor SC-P5000 STD Spectro打印机驱动程序,安装驱动后,打印机就能正常使用了,使用这款打印机的朋友不妨下载使用该驱动! 驱动安装教程 1、在51驱动网下载‘爱...
1、在51驱动网下载‘爱普生Epson SureColor P5000’打印机驱动程序,解压后,根据自己系统,运行合适的安装文件,这里以64位系统为例,双击运行‘SCP5000_V_X64_673_LA.exe’安装文件 2、选择打印机型号‘Epson SC-P5000 Series’,点击确定 3、选择安装语言,默认为English,点击确定 4、选择同意安装协议,把安装语言,...
5.0 1 ReviewColor: Non Original Original New Non OriginalProduct sellpoints Epson Surecolor P800 Ink|Epson 78|100% Original & Brand New:Guaranteed authenticity with 100% original and brand new control panel cables for Epson printers. Optimized for Commercial Use:Ideal for Epson surecolor P5000 and...
Specifications: Machine Section: MECH Model 1: Stylus Photo 1390 1400 1410 1430W 1500W R1800 R1900 R2000 R2400 R2880 R3000 Model 2: Stylus Office B1100 T1100 T1110 Model 3: SureColor SC P400 P405 P406 P407 P408 P600 P607 P608 PX5V2 Model 4: L1300 L1800 ET14000 EP4004 PX7V PX5V...
Detailed Product Description SAVE90% ON INKJET COST XL Extra Large Size Refillable Ink Cartridges ForEpson SureColor P5000 Inkjet Printers Black color cartridge300ml Colors cartridge 300ml Easy to refill! Never run out ink! Save Money! These are a see through ...
(original and modified) Supported Models: Epson Stylus L800, L805, L1800, Epson Stylus Photo 1390, 1400, R1900, R2000, R2400, R2880, R3000, Epson SureColor SC-P400, P600, P800, P5000, P6000, Epson Stylus Pro 3800, 3885, 4800, 4880, 4900, 7800, 7880, 7890, 7900, Epson Artisan ...
Epson SureColor SC-P400, P600, P800, P5000, P6000. Epson Stylus Pro 3800, 3885, 4800, 4880, 4900, 7800, 7880, 7890, 7900. Epson Artisan 1430, Photo XP-15000, EcoTank ET-8500. Printing roll film: support Printing flat film: support Printing flat objects: support Printing cylindrical objec...