广泛的兼容性: 与多种爱普生投影机型号兼容,包括EMP-TW520,EMP-TW600,EMP-TW620,EMP-TW680和PowerLitePC800,使其成为适合不同用户的多功能解决方案。 能效: 灯的发光效率为15 lm/W,这种灯消耗更少的能量,同时提供高水平的亮度,对于那些希望减少碳足迹的人来说,这是一个环保的选择。 全面保修: 以6个...
Epson Unveils PowerLite Projector With Longer Lamp Life, Increased Color BrightnessSri Ravipati
从ProjectorCentral一直以来收到的读者评论来看,应该有很多人一直在等待Home Cinema 8700 UB的3D版本——也就是,一台强大的家庭影院投影机,拥有极好的对比度和扎实的色彩性能,拥有足以点亮超大银幕的亮度,以及可以和本年度的最佳3D机型匹敌的3D性能。Home Cinema 5010就是这样一台投影机。 即使你对3D没有丝毫兴趣,...
Please call us @ 1-888-785-2677 or click above. MyProjectorLamps ® sells the projector lamp with module for the Epson Powerlite 81.
Pureland Supply stocks Powerlite 1220 Epson Projector Lamps with genuine original High-Quality bulb inside. Price: $99.60, Quantity in stock:11, Projector Model: Powerlite 1220, Lamp Id: V13H010L58. Free ground shipping and 180 day warranty.
Projector lamp control for increased lamp life An electronic lamp control system for life time extension of a DC high intensity discharge lamp has a light sensor (130) for sensing an output of a lamp (31), a power supply (110) for the lamp (31), and a controller (20) for controlling...
Please call us @ 1-888-785-2677 or click above. MyProjectorLamps ® sells the projector lamp with module for the Epson powerlite 975w.
Pureland Supply stocks Powerlite X24+ Epson Projector Lamps with genuine original High-Quality bulb inside. Price: $89.40, Quantity in stock:115, Projector Model: Powerlite X24+, Lamp Id: V13H010L87. Free ground shipping and 180 day warranty.
The Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 5030UB projector can deliver great dark-room images yet has enough light output for moderately lit rooms; achieves darker blacks than last year's version; excellent color accuracy; ample shadow detail; plenty of features including motorized lens cover, horizontal and...
Please call us @ 1-888-785-2677 or click above. MyProjectorLamps ® sells the projector lamp with module for the Epson PowerLite Pro Cinema 9500UB.