The illustrations show the WF-7840, but the steps are the same for the WF-7820, unless otherwise specified.Note: Do not open the ink cartridge packages until you are ready to install the ink. Cartridges are vacuum packed to maintain reliability.1 R emove all protective materials from the ...
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Ink Related Maintenance Expected Drum Unit No Drum Unit Like all inkjet printers, there's a risk of ink drying up and printheads clogging on the Epson WF-7840; there are tasks built-in for printhead cleaning, printhead nozzle check, printhead alignment, and paper guide cleaning. Moreover, as...
WorkForce Pro WF-7840 printer, Quick setup guide, CD-ROM with drivers, Power cord, 4x DURABrite Ultra Ink cartridges (1x Black, 1x Cyan, 1x Magenta, 1x Yellow) Warranty Labor 1 Year Limited Parts 1 Year Limited Reviews Questions & Answers Customers Also Viewed Epson EcoT...
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