VueScan is compatible with the Epson GT-F600 on Windows, macOS and Linux. You need to install the Epson driver to use this scanner on Windows and macOS. On Mac OS X, this is normally already installed by Software Update, so VueScan should just work. You need to install the Epson driver...
1、在51驱动网下载‘爱普生GT-F600’扫描仪驱动程序,解压后,双击运行‘gtv30u_S.exe’安装文件 2、进入欢迎界面,点击next 3、选择i accept同意安装协议,点击next 4、选择扫描仪型号‘Epson GT-F600’,点击next 5、然后等待程序安装完成即可,驱动安装完成之后,爱普生GT-F600扫描仪就可以正常使用了 ...