EPSONStylusCX5100/5200RevisionA 1.2Common1.2.3Safety,EMC 100Vmodel Thissectionexinsspecificationsthatarecommonforboththescannerandthe printer.EMCstandards: VCCIclassB 1.2.1ElectricalspecificationsGuidelinefortheSuppressionofHarmonicsinHouseholdandGeneral-Use Equipment Table1-1.ACInput 120Vmodel 100Vmodel120Vmod...
While larger and heavier than the tiny pico projectors, the EX5230 is a very capable po ... Epson Pro Cinema G6900 WU Home Theater Projector February 24, 2014 The Pro Cinema G6900 projector, with 6000 lumens, when paired with the right screen, should handle virtually any home media setup...
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