爱普生Epson ELPDC07视频展台驱动是爱普生官方针对同型号视频展台推出的驱动程序,爱普生Epson ELPDC07可以让广大观众近距离接触你的原始材料,这款便携式、适应性强的摄像机可提供高质量的图像,可快速设置,并可直接连接到最新的爱普生投影仪上;有需要的朋友可以下载使用该驱动! 驱动安装方法 1、在51驱动网下载‘爱普生Ep...
ELPMB23:天花板吊架 ELPDC11:实物展台 ELPIU01:交互单元 ELPAP07:无线网卡 ELPAP08:无线网络快速连接 USB Key ELPDC06:USB连接实物展台 关键词:办公设备 投影机 EB-C1030WN 该厂商相关产品: 爱普生(EPSON)投影(爱普生投影机EB-C20X) 爱普生(EPSON)投影(爱普生投影机 CB-S03+) ...
no lamps to replace 2 Large display size — provides a display size more than two times larger than a 75"panel when projecting at 110"Time-saving operation — display in seconds with Instant On laser light source Convenient ultra short-throw design — virtually eliminates shadowing Quick and ...
Breakthrough laser technology — features a laser light source of up to 20,000 hours 2; plus, Instant ON/OFF Virtually maintenance-free operation — for the life of the optical engine 3 Extraordinary sharpness and detail — up to 2,500,000:1 Dynamic contrast ratio Flexible installation — up...
Peace-of-mind is also guaranteed with the projector’s security features, such as the Kensington lock and password protection. The EB-X14G also lets you keep running costs low and cut maintenance time with the long lamp life of up to 5,000 hours.Epson EB-X14G projector KEY FEATURES • ...
Project up to 200" from a single projector — or seamlessly join accurately color-matched images from multiple projectors; use split screen 3 for side-by-side projection from multiple inputs at the same time; Epson Projector Professional Tool Software compatible Simplified installation — horizontal ...
ELPSC09 ELPDC05 high resolution document imager V12H162020 ® security lock ELPSL01 Kensington Ceiling mount (gyro lock with suspension adapter) ELPMBUNI False ceiling plate ELPMBFCP Suspension adapter ELPMBAPL Security bracket/cabling for gyro lock mounts ELPMBSEC Adjustable ceiling channel ELP...
Product durability is assured and TCO kept to a minimum with the addition of the long-life C 2Fine Inorganic LCD panel and long-lasting lamp. And for low maintenance, the electrostatic filter can be cleaned or changed quickly. It’s also environmentally-friendly, with a paint-free design, ...
经营范围从事电子科技领域内的技术开发、技术咨询、技术服务,电子产品,机电设备,通信设备及相关产品,通讯器材,照明设备,汽摩配件,电线电缆,文化办公用品,摄影机,计算机、软件及辅助设备(除计算机信息系统安全专用产品)销售。【依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动】 ...
实物展台 ELPDC11 交互单元 ELPIU01 无线网卡 ELPAP07 无线网络快速连接 USB Key ELPAP08 USB连接实物展台 ELPDC06 保修信息 保修政策全国联保,享受三包服务 质保时间2年 质保备注有限城市上门,灯泡6个月 电话备注周一至周五:8:30-18:00 详细内容用户需在送修整机时提供有效的保修凭证(未在爱普生用户俱乐部注册...