Product Spec Sheet Ideal for portrait photography and retail photolabs. As demand for small-format photos continues to grow, businesses are looking for new ways to stand out from the crowd and deliver unique offerings and applications to their customers. Epson is taking our proven minilab technolog...
allowing me to make out details of a black upright piano with sheet music on its easel and a couple of chairs. I did eventually notice a bit of haze over the image that was evident only after direct comparison with a JVC DLA-X790 reference projector, a more expensive ($4,000) LCoS ...
A secondary advantage is the 6100's stated 4000 hour lamp life. Sanyo does not publish anticipated lamp life as a spec on any of its projectors, but you can safely assume you won't get more than 2000 hours out of it. On the other hand, if you have the advantage of a dark viewing...