4、回到窗口后,选择“Perticulafr adjustment moUde”,后选择:Waste ink pad counter。 5、依次勾选:Main;pad counter和Platen pad coUunter。 6、点击:Check,然后再按提示,再最后点击:Initialization。 7、据提示关闭打印机,然后再最后按确定就可以了。
EPSON WF2750、ET2750、WF2650、WF2631、WF2651、R330打印机清零软件的主要功效是可以帮助用户清除打印机内部的计数器,使得打印机可以继续使用。这些打印机在使用一定时间后,会出现“墨水垫已满”的提示,这时候就需要清零软件来解决这个问题。使用清零软件 EPSON WF2750 ET2750 WF2650 WF2631 WF2651 R330打印机清零软...
8. Select theInitializationbutton to reset the waste ink pad counter. Why do I need to perform an Epson ink pad reset? In most cases, resetting the ink pad is not an emergency, as the printer should still function normally, but there is often a good reason for this reset. A few are ...
Want to reset Epson Printer Waste Ink Counter? Download WIC resetter utility - Waste Ink Pad reseter utility free. Buy Reset Key and Reset printer by yourself! Save money with WIC Reset Utility and Reset Keys.
1. Run the program under Windows OS andclick RESETbutton. 2. Enter RESET KEY (What is this?) andclick OK- that is it! Video How to Reset Epson printers Waste Ink Pad Counters: You can now reset your printers waste ink counters in 2 steps!
Reset Free| **Optimized Performance for Epson Printers** The Waste Ink Pad Sponge is a crucial component for maintaining the optimal performance of your Epson printer. Designed to fit a variety of Epson models, including the ET 2700, 2750, 2756, 2760, 3700, 3710, 3750, 3760, 4700, 4750,...
Q.:Does WIC Reset Utility Works under MAC OS? A.: NO. You have to use it on PC under Windows OS only. Q.:My printer is connected to a Mac. What do I do to reset the Ink Pad Counter? A.: 2Manuals.com has released the WIC Reset Utility for the PC Windows environment. If you...
4、回到窗口后,选择“Perticulafr adjustment moUde”,后选择:Waste ink pad counter。 5、依次勾选:Main;pad counter和Platen pad coUunter。 6、点击:Check,然后再按提示,再最后点击:Initialization。 7、据提示关闭打印机,然后再最后按确定就可以了。问:如何清零服务?答...
EPSON WF2760 WF2750 XP540 XP545 XP640 XP645 L1455清零软件清零打印机ERP地区版本v1.0.1 爱普生adjustment program resetter waste pad ink counter只要你打印机,提示“打印机废墨收集垫到寿命期,或 打印机中的部件已到使用寿命,联系服务商更换”就是需要清零;...
3. 点击“Particular adjustment mode”,进入功能菜单清零。 4. 选中“废墨计数器清零Waste ink pad countedr”,然后点击“OK”进入清零。 5. 点击“Check”,检查废墨值。 6. 勾选方框,然后点击“清零计数器Initialize”,进行废墨计数器清零。 7. 清零完成后,关掉打印机,重启一下,就可以继续工作了。