Fortunately, there aremore than a few waysyou can keep these marmots from rampaging through the broccoli patch without using poisons or weapons of mass destruction. These include everything from installing special fencing, recommended by experts, to using Epsom salts to deter them. What Are Woodc...
A review of the literature foundno scientific evidence that roses need more magnesiumthan other plants. The Rose Society of America (ref 2) does not recommend Epsom salts for the ‘casual rose grower’, but does recommend it if you are a ‘rose specialist’. Why would the depth of your i...
By itself salt merely raises the salinity, not the pH and hardness. Marine salt mix can be used to raise pH and hardness since it contains not just salt but a variety of other mineral salts as well, but only in aquaria where salt-tolerant freshwater fish are being kept, such as guppies...
If you apply Epsom salt as an additional source of magnesium, wait six weeks before applying a slow-release 8-0-12 or 8-2-12palm fertilizerthat incorporates 4 percent magnesium. Water thoroughly after fertilizing to prevent the salts from burning the tree's roots. Apply palm fertilizer at th...