Epsom salt derives its name from a bitter saline spring located at Epsom in Surrey, England, where the compound was first distilled from water. It’s different from traditional salts because it’s actually a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. It was originally prepared from mineral water...
A review of the literature foundno scientific evidence that roses need more magnesiumthan other plants. The Rose Society of America (ref 2) does not recommend Epsom salts for the ‘casual rose grower’, but does recommend it if you are a ‘rose specialist’. Why would the depth of your i...
The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years and unlike other salts, Epsom salt has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul... Gardening with Epsom Salts Gardening with Epsom Salts Composed almost exclusively of Magnesium Sulfate, Epsom salt is in...
Good old table salt might be bad for your plants, but Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, has an entirely different reputation in the gardening community. The supposed benefits of using Epsom salts for plants are numerous. You can easily find it at the pharmacy, it’s inexpensive, ...
I’ll get the obvious out of the way first. Add 2 cups ofEpsom saltto a bath and soak. This is great for kids (and adults) to help them relax before bed. MakeDIY bath saltsby adding baking soda and other salts in addition to somelavender essential oilor other essential oils for add...
Epsom salts have amazing health benefits-here are 13 ways to use Epsom salts, including a relaxing bath, a face scrub and a hair volumizer. It's also a miracle cure-all, helping to remove splinters and reduce swelling of sprains and bruises. One ingredient really does fit all!