Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) is a leading journal for researchers across the entire Earth and planetary sciences community. It publishes concise, exciting, high-impact articles ("Letters") of broad interest. Its focus is on physical and chemical processes, the evolution and general ...
期刊官方网址: 期刊投稿网址: 13 期刊总结 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS位于中科院1区,其最新影响因子5.785,自引率处于安全范围内。另外在2019-2021年度该期刊中国发文量位列第...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) is a leading journal for researchers across the entire Earth and planetary sciences community. It...M.J. BickleJ. BrodholtB.A. BuffettM. FrankB. MartyT.A. MatherP. ShearerC. SotinH. Stoll...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) is a leading journal for researchers across the entire Earth and planetary sciences community. It publishes concise, exciting, high-impact articles ("Letters") of broad interest. Its focus is on physical and chemical processes, the evolution and general ...
此前该团队于2019年1月4日发表在国际期刊《亚洲地球科学》(《Journal of Asian EarthSciences》)的研究表明青藏高原南部的构造变形趋于“弥散式”分布,而此次研究中提出的下地壳粘弹性特征可能是地表弥散变形的诱因之一。这一系列的研究工作不仅提升了对该地区地震活动性的认识,也为青藏高原的地球动力学研究提供了新的...
Downes, H., Bodinier, J.L., Thirlwall, M.F., Lorand, J.P., Fabries, J., 1991. REE and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry of Eastern Pyrenean peridotite massifs: sub-continental lithospheric mantle modified by continental m...
近日,地科院青年教师黄程博士关于华南晚泥盆世弗拉斯期-法门期之交古气候研究成果发表于地球科学顶级期刊《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》上。 《Earth and Planetary Science Letters》是地球科学领域的顶级期刊,是68种自然指数期刊之一(目前地学类仅有Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Geology,Journal of Ge...
Law, R.D., Jessup, M.J., Searle, M.P., Francsis, M.K., Waters, D.J. and Cottle, J.M., 2011. Telescoping of isotherms beneath the South Tibetan Detachment System, Mount Everest Massif. Journal of Structural ...
和理论计算手段研究不同地质背景下挥发性元素(B、Cl、Ag)稳定同位素分馏行为,对于揭示挥发性元素参与不同储层间的物质循环和热液迁移、金属成矿,以及环境演化均具有重要意义,成果发表在Earth-Science Reviews、Geochimica et Cosmochimica ...
期刊官网: 投稿链接: 12.推荐指数 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS是该领域内最具声誉的期刊之一,拥有长期的历史和卓越的学术质量。该期刊涵盖了地球和行星科学领域的各个方面,包...