即「小写希腊字母Epsilon」;而\varepsilon的Unicode全名则是「Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol」,即「半月形...
c. 1200, "graphic symbol, alphabetic sign, written character conveying information about sound in speech," from Old French letre "character, letter; missive, note," in plural, "literature, writing, learning" (10c., Modern French lettre), from Latin littera (also litera) "letter o bikini"...
noun phonetics In IPA, the phonetic symbol that represents the open-mid front unrounded vowel; represented in SAMPA as E. noun mathematics An arbitrarily small quantity. noun computing, colloquial A negligible effect. from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved. noun...
The modulus symbol (absolute value) of the quantity is used just to stress on the fact that we do not know whether the error is negative, 0, or positive. Since the exact quantity Q is never known, we take Q as the quantity of (sufficiently) higher order accuracy and Q′ as the ...
The symbol ∈ is a derivation from the lowercase Greek letter epsilon, "ε", introduced by Giuseppe Peano in 1889 and shall be the first letter of the word ἐστί (means "is"). 若x是集合A的成員,也可以說x屬於A,可以用x ∈ A表示,∈符號衍生自希臘字母小寫的ε,是朱塞佩·皮亞...
(c|c)Any one of the characters separated by the alternation symbol (|). For example,(j|u)+fruitfindsjfruit,jjfruit,ufruit,ujfruit,uufruit, and so on. * None or more of the preceding characters or expressions. For example,ba*cmatchesbc,bac,baac,baaac, and so on. ...
Letting the symbol “⟶” represent the word “implies,” we can rewrite 𝟑′′ as |x-c|<δ⟶|y-L|<ϵ or c-δ<x<c+δ⟶L-ϵ<y<L+ϵ. The point is that δ and ϵ, being tolerances, can be any positive (but typically small) values. ...
It is known that it was Descartes the one that gave the symbol i the connotation of imaginary; in electrical engineering there is the concept of apparent power(MVA) S = P + i Q where P(MW)=generation or consumed power and Q(MVAR) = reactive power and they both can be measured, so...
j 表示第j个域内的的第k个特征的表征。...{S}}(\boldsymbol{w}) 是半正定的,即所有的特征值都是非负的,第j个特征域中每个特征k的频率按照以下等式计算 N_k^j(\mathcal{S})=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^j...[k] 如2.1节所说,ctr模型的参数可以分类为同样的梯度可以分解为关于Hessian矩阵,我们主要...
A newbrowse-symbol commandprovides an enhanced interface to the source code browser database generated by Microsoft compilers. Epsilon can display the names of all functions that read or write a certain variable or call a particular function, and show the actual lines that do so, letting you qu...