Αα:阿尔法 Alpha Ββ:贝塔 Beta Γγ:伽玛 Gamma Δδ:德尔塔 Delte Εε:艾普西龙 Epsilon Ζζ :捷塔 Zeta Εη:依塔 Eta Θθ:西塔 Theta Ιι:艾欧塔 Iota Κκ:喀帕 Kappa ∧λ:拉姆达 Lambda Μμ:缪 Mu Νν:拗 Nu Ξξ:克西 Xi Οο:欧麦克轮 Omicron ∏π:派 Pi Ρρ:柔 Rho ∑σ...
大写:Α (Alpha), Β (Beta), Γ (Gamma), Δ (Delta), Ε (Epsilon), Ζ (Zeta), Η (Eta), Θ (Theta), Ι (Iota), Κ (Kappa), Λ (Lambda), Μ (Mu), Ν (Nu), Ξ (Xi), Ο (Omicron), Π (Pi), Ρ (Rho), Σ (Sigma), Τ (Tau), Υ (Upsilon), Φ (Phi), Χ ...
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Epsilon Phi Omega Chapter. Chartered on March 15, 1952, Epsilon Phi Omega has grown from 12 women to now 125 active members. Our membership is comprised of many accomplished women who exemplify the characteristics of s
α:Alpha,音标 /ælfə/,中文读音为“阿尔法”β:beta,音标/'beitə/,中文读音为“贝塔”γ: gamma,音标/'gæmə/,中文读音为“伽玛”δ:delta,音标/'deltə/,中文读音为“得尔塔”ε:epsilon,音标/ep'silon/,中文读音为“艾普西隆”ζ:zeta,...
Welcome to the page of the Undisputed Upsilon Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., seated at Salisbury University
I am committed to impacting the lives of the men of DEL so that we, as distinguished men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., can impact the lives of others. Our fraternity charges us to be “First of All, Servants of All while Transcending All.” What stands out to me the most is...
The mission of the Omega Alpha Chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi Fraternity is to exemplify our three ideals;Friendshipbonded by brotherhood,Chivalrythrough the precepts of knighthood, and commitment toServicefor the greater good of society. We are a chapter comprised of men diverse in race, creed, and...
ΛΦΕ Cornell University | Alpha Kappa Chapter EST. 11.14.1999 ABOUT US Our History & Mission ACTIVE HOUSE Meet the brothers LEADERSHIP The executive board RUSH Learn more
AEDAlpha Epsilon Delta AEDUnited Arab Emirates Dirham AEDAide à l'Eglise en Détresse(French: Aid to the Church in Need; est. 1947) AEDAcademy for Eating Disorders AEDAntiepileptic Drug AEDAcademy for Eating Disorders(Deerfield, IL) AEDAgence Européenne de Défense(French: European Defence Agency...