The E-130D is 1.2 – 2.1 stops faster than a similarly sized f/5 or f/7 refractor, while being more compact and lighter weight, making it a perfect travel companion. While it may not seem like much, those couple of stops can make a huge difference when imaging. For example, the ...
Takahashi Epsilon-130D with SBIG STL-11000M mounted on Astro-Physics 900 GTO. A custom machined adapter plate attaches the Takahashi rings to the Losmandy DUP plate. An Orion red-dot finder is attached to the finder base. A Tahahashi TCD0012STL adapter connects the E-130D to the STL-11...
I would need to place the focuser plate beneath it. If those two tiny holes take a screwdriver, it's the smallest I have ever seen. Screenshot 2022-05-16 at 16-06-13 Epsilon130ED Takahashi Epsilon-130D tube only with 31.png I might eventually go down the Optec Leo focuser route, bu...
Not many images in the wild of the Tak Epsilon 130D after what I discovered this morning. I had intended to get the 130D over the 160ED, in order to get the 1.5x extender too. Kid in a candy shop feeling this morning for an hour !, but first thing I noti
Epsilon系列是专门为特殊天文摄影而设计的摄星镜。高桥专利的光学设计特点是凹双曲面主镜和2片式ED校正镜来消除球差和彗差。与传统施密特照相仪相比,色差降低一半,即使在大视场下。 新的ε-130D与原来的孔径相同,但现在使用一个数码优化校正镜。这个校正镜反差更好,系统弥散圆尺寸比E-180在44毫米像面最边缘的弥散...
通过双曲面主镜和校正镜相互作用的优化,实现了彻底的像差校正。通过在校正镜中加入ED玻璃,在全画幅边缘获得3微米以内的弥散圆。E-160ED结合了E-130D的方便性和E-180ED的高性能。 采用偏置次镜和支架来抑制光的散射,类似于目前的epsilon型号。主镜安装采用和E-180ED相同的方式。主镜光轴调节结构,在每个拉的螺丝...
For anyone interested, OPT just got two in stock. I was very tempted to buy one but I think I will just stick with the 130D for the foreseeable future. #648kzar Messenger Posts:496 Joined:18 Mar 2021 Loc:Switzerland Posted30 July 2022 - 07:54 AM ...
https://cloudbreakop...hi-epsilon-130d You can also look at my friend's youtube. He used Moonlite 2.5 on his E180D. Moonlite CRL 2.5 inch Large Format Newtonian Focuser is a nice fit. However, there are several potential problems. First, it is not a rack and pin focuser. The cray...