问题:使用overleaf报错,Package pdftex.def Error: File `figure 1-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting 原因:oveleaf 无法识别eps文件 解决办法:首先,eps文件与tex文件在同一文件夹;然后, 图片名中不能出现空格,“figure 1”不行,“figure1”或“figure_1”可以。 #LaTeX #Overleaf0 0 发...
首先,需要确认fig1-eps-converted-to.pdf文件是否确实存在于你的LaTeX项目文件夹中,或者LaTeX源文件中指定的路径下。 你可以在文件管理器中搜索该文件,或者使用命令行工具来查找文件。检查LaTeX文档中的引用路径是否正确: 在LaTeX源文件中,检查\includegraphics命令或类似命令中引用的文件路径是否正确。 如果文件位于与...
compile it doesn't find the converted pdf file, although it looks like it is converted correctly. At least there is no error that it didn't find the eps or tex file. I also tested it on the official ShareLatex servers and there it does work, so it should be related to the Docker ...
Error 结果在eps转为pdf这个问题上出毛病了 Package pdftex.defError: File `XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting 有问题咱不怕,参考了如下: MikTeX 2.9 报错Could not open the file Definitions/logo-mdpi-eps-converted-to.pdf EPStoPDF file not found error on Ubuntu Including eps...
使用IET_latex_template中遇到的错误'Package pdftex.def Error: File `XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting' 写在前面 对于iet论文,如果实在不想调整word的模板以及安装LaTeXLaTeX软件 请直接到https://www.overleaf.com/网站的Template for IET Research Journals...
.gitignore authorsample.tex figure-eps-converted-to.pdf figure.eps main.tex mainReviewed.tex references.tex release setup-hooks.sh spbasic.bst spmpsci.bst spphys.bst svind.ist svindd.ist svmult.clsBreadcrumbs article.swimmer-framework-contact.springer / figure.eps Latest...
The appreciation of Renminbi has improved the Group's revenue growth when Renminbi sales were converted to our reporting currency of the HK dollar during the second half of the year. Improved productivity, technology and economies of scale to enhance production efficiency and new product development ...
Package pdftex.def Error: File `XXX-eps-converted-to.pdf' not found: using draft setting 有问题咱不怕,参考了如下: MikTeX 2.9 报错Could not open the file Definitions/logo-mdpi-eps-converted-to.pdf EPStoPDF file not found error on Ubuntu ...
总结一些我在使用 Latex 是用到的commands: A. Beautifully display a matrix 以下的小技巧摘抄于 https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Matrices. 这是一份清楚短小的介绍,很实用。 packet : amsmath 1. matrix的几种括号: [ ] [] [], ( ) () (), ∣ ⋅ ∣... ...