图3.报错为“Filename on ImageDisplay has not been set”,翻译为ImageDisplay中的Filename没有被设置。检查程序中ImageDisplay是否存在疏漏即可。(特别提醒,有时候Unreferenced E-Objects中的Object偶尔也会引发类似报错)图4.报错为“Can’t find procedure definition”,翻译为无法找到procedure的定义。也就是没有pro...
图3.报错为“Filename on ImageDisplay has not been set”,翻译为ImageDisplay中的Filename没有被设...
错误代码-999..求教各位,我在学习用音频刺激设计实验时,总是出现这样的错误提示。不知道什么意思。请帮忙!Run-time Error (Line 110) -999: Unable to find the sound
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. make: *** [App.elf] Error 2make: *** Deleting file `App.elf' 05:57:35 Build Finished (took 50s.437ms) Translate 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous topic Next topic 1 Reply EricMunYew_C_Intel Moderator ...
Unable to checkout a license. Vsim is closing. ** Fatal: Invalid license environment. Application closing. So I did the lmutil lmdiag thing and attached the outcome to this thread. In my opinion, the problem is not that Modelsim does not find the license file as its...
你好,这个图片问题还是没有办法解决,系统的显示调成100%也还是不行,请问还有其他方法吗 ...
Even though this is supposed to be a license free version of ModelSim I get a window exclaiming that it cannot find the license file. I quote verbatim: Unable to check out a license. Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil ...
Even though this is supposed to be a license free version of ModelSim I get a window exclaiming that it cannot find the license file. I quote verbatim: Unable to check out a license. Make sure your license file environment variables are set correctly and then run 'lmutil lmdia...
Unable to checkout a license. Vsim is closing. ** Fatal: Invalid license environment. Application closing. So I did the lmutil lmdiag thing and attached the outcome to this thread. In my opinion, the problem is not that Modelsim does not find the license file as its con...