How do I set the signoutRedirect to control where I end up when logging out IdentiyServer. It is ignoring what I have in post_logout_redirect_uris for the client. How do I use Task<IactionResult> properly? How do you cap memory usage on a .NET CORE site? How do you edit (custom...
Scenario Reason: unknown. Package.Workbook.Wordsheets[0] will sometimes cause Worksheet position out of range in aspnetcore 2.X. Mine environment is epplus library is used in docker container on linux server. Some computers upload *.xlsx...
Fixed "Worksheet position out of range" exception when calculating a formula having IsWorksheets1Based set. Version 7.5.1 Released: 2024-11-21,Github release Style set on column/row level did not save on cells with a value and styleId is 0. Fix for inserting rows after array formulas when...
问题不在于EPPLUS库,而在于Excel模板的文件/路径名的处理。Windows Server对文件/路径名不区分大小写,...
Hi, I was trying to Use this library for Reading data from xlsx files and storing them into database. I faced issue that any kind of Excell file that i tried to read returned empty Count of Worksheets (Worksheet position out of range). M...
{get;set; }privateintToRow {get;set; }privateboolIsOffset {get;set; }privateintStartFromRow {get;set; }privateConcurrentDictionary<string,string> FieldsMapping {get;set; } =newConcurrentDictionary<string,string>();privatestringSheetName {get;set; }publicProcessExcel SetWorksheetIndex(intpositionId...
[Help] Get the target path of shortcut (.lnk) [IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position 0.] i find this error.. plz help me.. [IO] How to - Delete a file, keeping data in the stream? [Out Of Memory Error] while handling 400MB XML file [Solved] C# write to fil...
(ExcelRange Rng = Globals.wsSheet1.Cells)抛出带有Object reference not set to an instance of an...