A Green Driving Partner for Better LivingPowertrain technology to drive the future of mobility Innovating the Electric Drive ELECTRIC MOTORSDiscover how we create the most dynamic and efficient EVs, while keeping the environment clean. POWER ELECTRONICSEVs become more stable and energized through our ef...
DETROIT ePOWERTRAINThe electric drivetrain of tomorrow.The innovation of Detroit’s legendary line of powertrains lives on. Introducing the 100% electric Detroit® ePowertrain™: Purpose-built and seamlessly integrated for power, efficiency, reliability – and zero emissions. At Detroit, we push ...
Huawei DriveONE X-in-1 ePowertrain integrates six components such as the MCU, reducer, and OBC, and supports the BMS software algorithm.
2024年9月17日-22日,2024IAA 汉诺威国际商用车展在德国汉诺威展览中心举办。除了上期介绍的新款传统内燃机,此次展会菲亚特动力科技还带来了ePowertrain 电动动力系统产品阵容,也广受好评 菲亚特动力科技是电驱动力系统领域的全球主要参与者之一,公司设计、开发和制造了一系列广泛而差异化化的零排放产品,将自身定位为 OEM(...
乐金麦格纳e-Powertrain因电动车市场需求放缓及业绩表现下滑,决定再次裁员以降低营运成本。 据悉,此次裁员涉及驱动马达、充电器、逆变器等事业部门,部分组织人力或减少20~30%。同时,新任总统川普可能调整电动车补贴政策,也促使公司提前应对。 与电动车相关业务受打击不同,乐金电子的车用信息娱乐子公司ZKW因业务涉及燃油...
Explore ePowertrain design challenges Cell-to-cell thermal runaway propagation and vent path protection solutions Help mitigate thermal runaway propagation and protect your venting pathway in your battery designs with the help of our advanced materials. ...
applications such as the car'spowertrain(comprising engine and transmission control for optimized [...] cytech.com cytech.com 英飞凌服务于各种汽车应用,比如:汽车动力系统(包括发动机和变速箱控制装置,用于优化燃耗,满足政府的排放要求,还包括适用于各种新兴技术的芯片,例如混合动力汽车、起 动机、发电机和配气...
2024年9月17日-22日,2024 IAA 汉诺威国际商用车展在德国汉诺威展览中心举办。除了上期介绍的新款传统内燃机,此次展会菲亚特动力科技还带来了ePowertrain 电动动力系统产品阵容,也广受好评。 菲亚特动力科技展台 菲亚特动力科技是电驱动力系统领域的全球主要参与者之一,公司设计、开发和制造了一系列广泛而差异化化的零排放产...
Solutions for electric vehicle battery and ePowertrain design and manufacture See how you can deliver powerful, reliable and scalable EV battery and ePowertrain designs. We can help you tackle tough challenges related to thermal runaway propagation, battery assembly and disassembly, eMotor assembly ...
LG Magna e-Powertrain improves driving performance by providing optimized products which achieve maximum efficiency. Excellent technological capabilities and know-how in electric vehicles also produce a quieter and more comfortable driving experience.Electric...