To prevent this happening, the file descriptor must be explicitly removed from the interest list (using epoll_ctl(2) EPOLL_CTL_DEL) before it is duplicated. Alternatively, the application must ensure that all file descriptors are closed (which may be difficult if file descriptors were duplicated ...
在调用 epoll_ctl_del 之前,确保 fd 是有效的,并且没有被其他部分的代码关闭。如果 fd 已经被关闭,再尝试删除它会导致失败。 检查是否有其他线程或进程正在使用该文件描述符: 如果多个线程或进程共享同一个 fd,并且其中一个正在尝试删除它,而另一个正在使用它,可能会导致不确定的行为。确保在删除 fd 之前,没...
@lianglli 请问下,这个问题是否能帮忙分析呢?