1if(e->active) {2op = EPOLL_CTL_MOD;3events |= prev;4}else{5op = EPOLL_CTL_ADD;6} 因为往epoll中增加事件的时候,有两种方式,分别为add和modify。当我们将某个fd添加read event的时候,如果该fd的write event已经被添加到了epoll中,那么我们就不能继续add了,只能modify,所以这里要先判断一下write e...
关联回调函数:在 epoll 的上下文中,每个监控项可能需要关联一个或多个回调函数,这些回调函数在特定事件发生时被调用。epoll_insert 需要确保这些回调关系正确设置。 更新内部计数和状态: 每当一个新的文件描述符被添加,epoll 的内部计数和状态需要更新,以反映当前正在监控的文件描述符的总数。 下面是对这个过程的详细分...
版本:swoole 1.7.21 stable 【报错如下】 [2016-03-23 16:15:40 *30290.1] WARN swReactorEpoll_add#144: add events[fd=166#0, type=15, events=1] failed. Error: File exists[17]. Warning: swoole_event_add(): swoole_event_add failed. 【http server服务部分代码如下】 {{{php public function...
epfd 是通过 epoll_create 或epoll_create1 创建的 epoll 实例文件描述符。 op 是操作类型,对于添加操作,应为 EPOLL_CTL_ADD。 fd 是要监控的文件描述符。 event 是指向 epoll_event 结构体的指针,用于指定监控的事件类型和触发条件。 示例代码如下: c int epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0); if (epoll_fd =...
#ifdef OXENMQ_USE_EPOLL void OxenMQ::rebuild_pollitems() { if (epoll_fd != -1) close(epoll_fd); epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0); struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ev.data.u64 = EPOLL_COMMAND_ID; epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, command.get(zmq::sockopt...
在协程里创建了一个rabbitmq 消费者监听的 出现一大堆[2023-01-10 17:37:31 @9255.0] WARNING ReactorEpoll::add(): failed to add events[fd=17#0, type=7, events=512], Error: Bad file descriptor[9]该错误 Swoole版本,PHP版本,以及操作系统版本信息 swoole 4.8.12php7.4LSB Version: :core-4.1-am...
I have problem with send file from docker container on ExtEventLoop. I have exception for static-server. Warning: Event::add(): Epoll ADD(1) on fd 16 failed. Old events were 0; read change was 1 (add); write change was 0 (none): Operatio...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于Nginx epoll 实例的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及Nginx epoll 实例问答内容。更多Nginx epoll 实例相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
> if i run it by shell: > tevent: EPOLL_CTL_ADD failed (Operation not permitted) - falling back > to select() > > > Aborting... For whatever (annoying) reason, winexe doesn't work with a pipe on stdin (maybe also stdout, sorry, I'm writing this from memory now). In your ...
Upoll: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1shiAHs_igbJt8MDyjShVnSM8uPOaAmZY/view?usp=sharing Cygepoll: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uxg6JsGnMbSXBNmp-yB4ttzgG9spsPo8/view?usp=sharing With these 2 we can add support for sys/epoll.h which can help to increase our community users....