1.参考文档 官方文档 epm下载:How To Download EPM Add-In or AO for SAP BPC (Upgrade) | SAP Blogs epm安装:Installing EPM Add-in for Microsoft Office (standalone) | S
Hi Experts, All, In IBP Formatting sheet -Need Approach to do Color Code formatting for Cells without Zero values in IBP Excel Add-in Planning View Template. As per user requirement, we have made 'Conditional Formatting' (If Key Figure Cell Value is NOT Equal to '0' (Zero) then display...
What I need to do is to add members to the 'Member Insertion Filtering' tab of a report with an EPM function or an API function (VBA). I include a snapshot of the 'Member insertion filtering' tab of the report editor (the snapshot is from the Spanish version of the EPM Add-In fo...
We have user's on our site that use the EPM add-in for Excel and have been told that this has now been upgraded to the latest version 2.1.3 and this is bunched under a add-in called "Analysis". A few of our users were quite happily using this add-in before one day they logged ...
I'm doing an SAP BPC implementation with a client that is already using Office 365; I've only used the EPM add in with office versions 2010 and 2013.Do you know if there is any limitation in the compatibility between this two? I'll use the latest version of the EPM add-in....
Due to the dependency on other team for configuring BPC EMP Add-In MS-Excel and the below issue I lost few project hours. I though this will be help to others and sharing to the community. Step-1 Please log-on to the BPC server. Step-2 Select Planning and Consolidation administration ...
Solved: Dear Experts, I am using EPM Excel Add In version 10 SP 14 Patch 3 .Net 4 Build 8424 on BI NW 7.4 SP 7 CPMBPC 801 SP 6 and HANA. Built a BEx query on a DSO made
CFO Solutions is a professional services firm specializing in Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) and Business Intelligence (BI) products and solutions. Using Excel or antiquated tools for budgeting? Implement the latest solutions and improve your process. ...
Is there a way for me to get this add-in? FYI - My setup is: Excel 2013 (32 bit) .Net Framework 4.5.2 Thank you very much for your help Hi Cesar, Reports with custom VBA Ribbon fails with below error after installing EPM add-in for off...
Get Ready to Excel in High-Demand Tech Careers All our programs include specialized Career Services designed to empower you to leverage your knowledge and abilities, ensuring you succeed in your upcoming interviews or surpass expectations in your current position. These comprehensive Career Services ...