Patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), especially the elderly, often experience a greater incidence of falls and postural instability. The Epley repositioning maneuver has been proven to be effective in improving the postural control, whereas Gans repositioning maneuver (GRM) is ...
Epley maneuver with restriction was performed for treatment after diagnosis of BPPV and one week later, results evaluated using the Dix-Hallpike test.Result: 92.5% of patients had positive response to this type of treatment. Conclusions: The study revealed good efficacy of Epley maneuver on ...
Epley手法复位联合眩晕宁治疗青年后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕效果观察论文 万方数据
Effect of Epley's maneuver on the quality of life of paroxismal positional benign vertigo patients. Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology. 2010;76(6):704-8.Pereira A B, Santos J N, Volpe F M. Effect of Epley's maneuver on the quality of life of paroxismal positional benign vertigo ...
VineetKumar, AshokGarimaGarg, DivyaMondal, ArkaJournal of Cardiovascular Disease Research (Journal of Cardiovascular Disease Research)
The data for the study was collected through Descriptive Characteristics Form, General Comfort Questionnaire Short Form, and Beck Anxiety Inventory. It was found that that 63.9% of the patients experienced average-level anxiety before the implementation of the Epley maneuver and received a total of ...
Efficacy of the Epley maneuver for posterior canal BPPV: a long-term, controlled study of 81 patients. Ear Nose Throat J. 2005;84(1):22.Richard W, Bruintjes TD, Oostenbrink P, Van Leewen RB. Efficacy of the Epley maneuver for posterior canal BPPV: a long-term, controlled study of ...
Sato G, Sekine K, Matsuda, et al : Risk factors for poor outcome of single Epley maneuver and residual posi- tional vertigo in patients with benign paroxysmal posi- tional vertigo. Acta Otolaryngol 2013 ; in press.Sato G, Sekine K, Matsuda K et al (2013) Risk factors for poor ...
Moreover, there was no difference in vHIT gain among the study group before and after the Epley maneuver. Conclusion: vHIT is an objective quantitative test of VOR function through measuring the gain of the semicircular canals individually but it has on significant role in...
Sato G, Sekine K, Matsuda K et al (2013) Risk factors for poor outcome of a single Epley maneuver and residual positional vertigo in patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Acta Otolaryngol 133:1124-1127. doi:10.3109/00016489.201 3.817681...