EPLAN P8 2..1、可以解决EPLAN卡顿、闪退问题2、可以解决The language resources for zh CN have not been installed orlicensed.Please i
手动安装安装程序下Platform Gui (x64)\EPLAN Gui zh-CN 2.7 (x64).msi就可以了
求语言包驱动..The language resources for zh_CH have not been installed or licensed.Please install a licensed language 想找语言包驱动 不知道在哪
For Inch installation, the setting path isSTATION.GedViewer.TextStyle.inch.EN.Heights. Again, this is only in the case where you installed EPLAN in Inch. Even if you later change the usints to mm, the setting path doesn't change. It will only change if you reinstall EPLAN with defualt...