Mike and Rich's Top 5 Star Trek TNG Episodes! - re:View (part 1) 3 人观看 3年前,YouTube 14 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Red Letter Media 613个粉丝 PART 1 OF 2 - Mike and Rich talk about a show from 1987 for over an hour. 1 条评论 Zumakulov Albert Счастьее...
As an avid Trek viewer during the run of the series, I also vividly remember watching this episode. DS9 was a new series still in its first season, and still experiencing those growing pains that new shows usually do. As a huge fan of Michelle Forbes’ character of Ro Laren on TNG, I...
If theStar Trek: TNGcast can agree on one thing, it's how much they hate the "Code of Honor" episode, in which Tasha Yar is snatched by the general of an alien race called Ligonians, and theEnterprisegoes on a mission to get her back. The episode was controversial for casting Black...
Star Trekhas meant so much to so many. It has imagined a better future where humanity—not to mention a fair few alien races—have come together to explore the universe in peace. Sure, peace doesn’t always go as planned, but, in the world ofStar Trek, it is something our protagonists...
Star Trekhas meant so much to so many. It has imagined a better future where humanity—not to mention a fair few alien races—have come together to explore the universe in peace. Sure, peace doesn’t always go as planned, but, in the world ofStar Trek, it is something our protagonists...
2 episodes of ST: TNG in select movie theaters - USAin Chillout Room Geek out. I'll probably go. Star Trek: The Next Generation How-to Burn Movies With 3-4 Episodes In 1 DVD Disc ?in Music, Pictures & Video I Need Burn From AVI MPEG MP4 etc. File Format to DVD Format. And ...
(This is because Piller and Company came up with the cliffhanger without any idea of how they were going to resolve it after their spring break, a habit they maintained for all ofTNG’s season finales.) However, the unevenThe Best of Both Worlds Part IIis redeemed by the following ...
Best Star Trek: The Next Generation Episodes, According to You | Underwire | Wired.comScott Thill
"Schisms,"Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 6, Episode 5 You wouldn't expect an alien abduction story to work on TNG, at least not as horror; after all, these people live and work (and sometimes fight) with aliens everyday. And, yet something weird is going on with first officer...
If an intergalactic godlike being arrived and erased from existence all but one episode ofStar Trekfrom existence, “Arena” might be the one to save. Obviously, “Arena” isn’t the all-time best episode, but it does have most ofStar Trek‘s defining qualities. We’ve got a cool rubbe...