Among them are: All Saints Cathedral, Milwaukee; the Cathedral of All Saints, Albany; the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Garden City, Long Island; the Cathedral Church of St Luke, Portland, Maine; St John the Divine, New York; and also those in Dallas, Texas, Washington, D.C., Davenport...
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分享1赞 世界吧 待业の青年 <美国> 海滨小镇肯纳邦克波特肯纳邦克波特(Kennebunkport)位于美国缅因州的约克县(York County,Maine),面积56.9平方公里。根据2000年美国人口普查结果,小镇共有常驻人口372 分享70赞 ssat吧 安安爱爸妈5 SA FL 和St. Stephen's Episcopal 选哪个?同题。请大家帮忙,说说你知道的信息。
Rev. Smith was in 1899 the pastor of the Zion Church near Oshkosh. In 1867 Rev. Alexander C. Huntley assumed charge which he retained two years. He was another New York man, having been born December 27, 1819 and moving to Ohio at the age of thirteen, entered the ministry in 1843. ...