les Paul琴型,epiphone品牌,在3000-5000这个价位。目前倾向于standard,问问大家意见。
不买效果器EPIPHONE LES PAUL STANDARD PLUSTOP配哪个音箱好 不要效果器的话可以考虑roland,周边比较多当然效果器到后期还是需要的,如果缓缓之后有钱了还是要买另外laney P20也不错 八百左右吧 适合金属有钱建议买贵点的 没多的钱在家练习那些箱子也够了
I find the action very comparible to a Les Paul. The pickups are very well balanced providing enough output for great lead from a good crunch up to a high gain metal. But the pickups aren't too hot to give it very clean tone when needed as well. As with the neck the tone also ...
les Paul琴型,epiphone品牌,在3000-5000这个价位。目前倾向于standard,问问大家意见。