从Epiphone到Gibson,各价位Les Paul测评试听 米哥の吉他屋 1.0万 播放 · 69 弹幕 11:31 (已售罄)【测评:107期】Gibson standard 60s 2020款电吉他,是你喜欢的类型吗?解说+试听。Vox Ac15c2音箱。 赛文琴行 990 播放 · 2 弹幕 19:22 【测评:136期】升值两倍?首版发行的Gibson Slash 2008 Gold To...
The black Epiphone sg custom with gold hardware is no joke either and i might another one when i get done paying for this Les Paul sg standard first fron here.Isaac Show more I got this guitar in sparkling burgundy and the finish is beautiful. The workmanship on this guitar is great; ...
Replaced speed knobs with gold top-hats.Easily done to make this look like a proper Les Paul. I'm happy with the looks for the little extra money spent.Steve Show more As the song says: "I'm a Sucker for a Cheap Guitar". I own over 30 – some cheap, some not so cheap. This ...
音色还是有一些像的 这款琴用的是Gibson的57拾音器 整体音色听上去要比普通的Epiphone要亮一些 但是这个拾音器只是把epi的高频音色提升了不少 低频基本没多大改变 因为木头的共振不够 如果是价位如果超过五千就建议你不要买了 因为你在赞个三千多就可以买个Gibson les paul studio了 epi说到底还是epi 音...
1957 Les Paul Goldtop VOS “A truly magnificent instrument with its natural mahogany back and neck, while the top is in gleaming gold with contrasting ivory trim.”— Original Gibson advertisement, circa 1955 By 1957, Gibson's evolving Les Paul model guitar had already undergone several key mod...
入了把09年产的epiphone 56gold top 只看楼主 收藏 回复 010XB 前来围观 7 好喜欢大金面 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 点击展开,查看完整图片 010XB 前来围观 7 指板是月桂木吗? 点击展开,查看完整图片 PAPA_love_you 我勒个去 8 玫瑰木...
Epiphone Les Paul 1956 Goldtop一个非常全面的视频 是在优酷播出的生活高清视频,于2009-03-20 01:25:26上线。视频内容简介:Epiphone Les Paul 1956 Goldtop一个非常全面的视频,包括了原音,失真,过载等多种效果,包括了扫拨、分解的弹发,以及开关旋钮的操作等! 喜欢Ep
比较适合,但是怎么说呢,适应性还是没有传统的双线圈广泛,而且噪音相对会大一些。但是声音相对双线圈更清晰。建议还是买把les paul custom。
The company has also cleverly positioned itself as an entirely legit alternative source for genuine Les Pauls, and I count 26 variations of the Les Paul model in the current Epi catalog. What the numbers don't tell you, however, is how successfully Epiphone has bridged the gap between $400...
Epiphone 1956 GOLD TOP失真音色 Epiphone 1956 GOLD TOP原声音色 Epiphone LP 1960tribute plus试听1(marshallDSL401) 商品信息 参数配置 [价格]2001-3000 [琴体类型]Les Paul [琴体材料]桃花心木 [琴颈类型]嵌入式 [琴颈材料]桃花心木 [指板材料]玫瑰木 ...