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Les Paul Tribute Plus Outfit Epiphone's long friendship with innovator Les Paul dates back to the late '30s and early '40s when Les, working at night at the Epiphone factory on 14th St. in New York City, created one of the world's first solidbody electric guitars, “The Log.” Over ...
Epiphone Les Paul 1960 Tribute Plus 2012 Cherry Sunburst China ---Epiphone Les Paul 1960 Tribute Plus, fairly used guitar with some ware on the frets minimal dings as can be seen in pictures , overall no visible scratches on the body, quite well kept gui
Les Paul Tribute Plus Outfit Epiphone's long friendship with innovator Les Paul dates back to the late '30s and early '40s when Les, working at night at the Epiphone factory on 14th St. in New York City, created one of the world's first solidbody electric guitars, “The Log.” Over ...
For players who have been dreaming about owning a Les Paul, your answer has arrived in the Epiphone Les Paul Tribute 60s Plus Electric Guitar. With its stunning looks and killer tone, this guitar, you will see why the Les Paul has been such an integral part of Rock & Roll’s glorious ...
两把手感应该是一样的,前者会好些,因为配置了大G拾音器,当然了价格也高,可以切单也很全面,不过epiphone我觉得签名版配置会好些~推荐买epiphone custom shop的限量版的比较高配的les paul
因为这是gibson原厂的拾音器 所以不会像一般的epi一样有钢印 鉴定真假的方法还蛮多的 比如epi的 琴桥 拉弦板 输出口 拆下来都能看见钢印 还有1960用的自锁弦钮市面上是没有卖的所以弦钮对的话基本就不会假 还有1960的琴头编号也是钢印打上去的不是印刷的 ...