because of the counseling this friend was receiving, I became aware of Jay Adams’ atrocious little bookletGodliness through Discipline,and I wrote a long refutation of it based on what the Lord had taught me through
It wasn’t a wasted life by any means, but she never seriously considered any alternate paths around her and it led her to a narrow cutoff where very few even very talented people make it through. What could Sandy have done differently? She could have gone to graduate school and taught ...
When I reach Saint George again, I have to circle around the accursed yachts so as not to pass by where the stern is moored close to the small dock. Who knows what kind of filth is spewing from those pipes that jut from the rear of the sleek craft. I swim around the bow and come...
I think to some degree this process has already begun. Discussions like the one that’s been happening in SFWA for the past week are the proof of it; not so very long ago, there would have been no response at all to that kind of casual sexism or racism. All this anger, all this s...
to have three extraordinary mentors, each brilliant in his own field: Ben Wegbreit who taught me how to think, Gordon Bell who taught me what to think about, and Allen Michels who showed me how to turn thinking into direct and immediate action. I was also extremely fortunate to be ...
Epiphany don't wake Me cause I'm dreaming dreaming This seems so real to me This reality you and me Living happily ever after See I don't see nothing wrong with getting what I want Chasing dreams till I get them That's just what I'm taught And I can't stop no Saw a vision of...
Today, I think that using the second person for Essun’s narration is a perfect fit; back then I wouldn’t have recognized how very true it is to the way she was feeling and approaching the world, but I think that reading her in the second person might have taught me a lot about th...