Our parish has been working to update and beautify our campus. Read more about it. Mission Statement Epiphany of Our Lord Church is a Catholic Christian community committed to the Gospel message that Jesus Christ is our Savior. Therefore, our mission is to spread the Good News of Salvation....
The blessing of homes is a Roman Catholic ritual connected with Epiphany. The pastor blesses each room of the house using holy water and incense, and recites special prayers. Then he writes the year and the initials CMB inside the door with blessed chalk. In the year 1999, for example, ...
On Epiphany there is a blessing for homes. There is also the famous blessing of chalk which can be used then to mark the lintel of the house. On the Vigil of Epiphany, however, there is a special blessing for Epiphany Water. Here is a photo from a couple years ago, of yours truly ...
While the father and oldest son were incensing and blessing the house, the youngest child carried a plate of chalk. The chalk had been blessed with a special blessing after morning Mass. The father took the blessed chalk and wrote over every room that led outside, with a different formula...
The Roman Catholic and Protestant churches are often referred to as the Western Church, while the Orthodox churches may also be called the Eastern Church. All three main branches of Christianity acknowledge the authority of Christian scriptures, a compilation of writings assembled into a document ...
on thesamedate as the Catholic and Protestant Churches. That Greek date for Christmas was picked because on the same day in the Mediterranean area they used to celebrate a Persian god, Mithras, who was the god of the Sun. And, because the difference between light and darkness is such an ...
Mary, of course, didn'tneedthis purification -- which Catholic women imitate, in a sense, with the rite of theChurching of Women-- but she submitted out of obedience to the Law. Also on this day, as the Lukan verses revealed, Our Lady and St. Joseph presented Jesus to the Temple ...
With nearly two billion believers in countries around the globe, Christianity is the largest of the world's religions. There is no one central authority for all of Christianity. The pope (the bishop of Rome) is the authority for the Roman Catholic Church, but other sects look to other autho...
The blessing of homes is a Roman Catholic ritual connected with Epiphany. The pastor blesses each room of the house using holy water and incense, and recites special prayers. Then he writes the year and the initials CMB inside the door with blessed chalk. In the year 1999, for example, ...
The blessing of homes is a Roman Catholic ritual connected with Epiphany. The pastor blesses each room of the house using holy water and incense, and recites special prayers. Then he writes the year and the initials CMB inside the door with blessed chalk. In the year 1999, for example, ...