There are many examples of epiphany in the works of James Joyce. In fact, epiphany had such importance to him that he created his own definition of epiphany in his work,Stephen Hero. Joyce writes that epiphany is, “a sudden spiritual manifestation, whether in the vulgarity of speech or of...
ofyourmostpreciousandlifegivingcross 象征着生命的十字架 fromthesewaters. 引导他们让他们证明自己的价值 Guidethemalwaysthattheymayprovetobeworthyexamples 为他们的同龄人他们的家人 totheirpeers,theirfamilies, 以及这个社会的所有成员 andtoallmembersofthiscommunity. 通过他们向你展示的信仰 Throughthefaiththeydemonst...
So to help we would often start with what we considered very low thresholds and many many examples of what might match or might not to build comfort. In some cases we would even end up setting special test environments for bigger customers and give them ability to roll back the data there...
Marc, the larger literary continuum in which Heinlein’s work existed was both created by *and contributed to* that flawed society. Heinlein’s work is one of the reasons why SFF has spent years calling itself progressive, and utterly refusing to listen to complaints about the racism embedded ...
These authors communicate their discovery of Newton’s manoeuvre with the following words: “A close examination of a number of different examples of the 1706 Optice proves beyond doubt that… at some time after the completion of the printing (but before the binding of the volume) Newton and ...
Thus, Dmitry and Myshkin's revelations are Jackson's ideal examples of the process of revelation and transfiguration. For Bakhtin, by contrast, the sense of the carnival in literature, and the threshold moments they give rise to, allow latent aspects of human nature to reveal themselves (...
Characters of color are assumed to be so unacceptable to white readers that they cannot be named as such from the outset (even though in a visual medium or real life that’s practically the first thing most people would notice) without making the book unreadable. CoCs can be “tolerated”...
We didn't find the examples he used particularly illuminating. 我们觉得他采用的那些例证启发性不是特别大。 I found his talk most illuminating. 我觉得他的话很有启发性。 159 muse n.缪斯(希腊神话中的女神),创作灵感 参考例句: His muse had deserted him,and he could no longer write.他已无...
s books would not still be in print if only black people were buying her stuff — and for the past 20 years her covers have been plastered with racially-accurate depictions of her characters. (Who are black, Asian, Latino, and multiracial.) There are other examples of books with brown ...
especially not if you decide to invoke racial stereotypes in the process. Back up your assertions with examples or facts.Tryto debate in good faith, and don’t shift the goalposts every few minutes. I’m not sure you’re capable of these things, but I’m laying out these rules because ...